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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Oh, I know.......I know where your beans are! And I know how to get around the land mines surrounding them. Good to see you in these parts girlfriend.
  2. And don't invite people into your house so they can see your prepping.
  3. Animal, I'm sure you are sincere in your passion about the local politicians. But, are you sure you want to base your argument to them based on phone gossip?
  4. Got turned around in Jax. on my way to St. Augustine one time, pulling the trailer...don't ask. Downtown Jax. looked beautiful at night overlooking the water. They light the bridges....really pretty. Stay out of the fringes through, that looked pretty rough.
  5. I've always said it Atlana too. The thing that makes me cringe is when Italian is mispronounced.
  6. Well good for you TP. I bet your sister and BIL adore the little one.
  7. I feel the same way. Poor kids to have to deal with a "mother" like this. But one of these kids is now dead.....beaten to death by a "man" who was his father. A father beat his son to death! . From the story I read, the abuse had been going on for a while, likely most of his life. That's who I am focused on....the "father." I hope they throw the book at him! Absolute trash without a shred of human decency. Can you imagine the home life these kids had? Little better than being scared animals I'm sure.
  8. I hope you have a great time. You guys have planned this forever and they will all take care of one another and everything will be fine. Take LOTS of pictures! Seriously, I hope you guys have a blast!
  9. I'm sorry for your family's loss. Please take comfort in the fact that you will always have your Dad. Always. Best of luck.
  10. I agree, you should be able to get the information on the website. It's a disgrace. On that point, I could not agree more.
  11. Small high jack, I am not ignoring your links, I am ignoring you. I have learned, based on past experience, that that is best for me. End of high jack. Have you called them? Maybe that will go better.
  12. The first part of the story. Why do you question this?
  13. I would imagine that we would always have some that can't pay. I'm not a expert on these issues, but I am sure you would have some and we have had some for a very, very long time.
  14. I did not intend to sound condescending. Really. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that people are being quoted a $13,000.00 deductible? Does that make sense to you?
  15. People have gotten very, very creative with the scam. I had always hear that self employed people were always first in line for audits. Guess because she files for such a low amount, they let it go. I agree with you Low, I really do. I don't want people to play the system anymore than you do. I mean who does? At least we will get the penalty back. Big deal right? Maybe the numbers are there that will sweeten the pot. I understand there is a welfare reform program in the works. We need it. We need it bad.
  16. Well since I can't post a news program, watch the news. Trust me, they are there. This is the kind of bs that is on Internet. The report goes on to tear this story down with the facts. You read it and tell me what you think.
  17. I also wonder if when the illegals go to the ER, they will be brought into the system and finally, tracked.
  18. So, what you're saying is that they don't file unless they are getting money back? That's right isn't it? Well, if they have ever filed, they are in the system so at some point and time they will hear the IRS knocking on their door. I wonder if welfare benefits will be hit up?
  19. No. I want the citizens to quit using ER rooms for nothing.
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