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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Have you tried e-bay? I would think you would finds some decent comps. there. Good luck!
  2. Yep! EXACTLY what Blondie said ^^^^^^^^^^ I'm so glad you decided to give another animal an awesome home!
  3. I got all of the front pasture and some of the top pasture mowed! That makes me happy! That makes my Shepherd happy too cause he follows me up and down and then plops down to watch me from the sidelines. Right now, he is tuckered out, so that's another thing that makes me happy.
  4. Hun, that's not food. I believe it was once kinda sorta some kind of food.
  5. Wow! I wonder where this happened. I have never eaten a McNugget, guess I'm missing one of the best things in life.
  6. There was a time when the market was breaking all time records for good proformance. A healthy market is a sign of a recovering economy. I don't believe I ever referred to it as "a smoking hot economy", that's just another one of your twists and turns of what is true. I'm not engaging in a fight with you. The admin. of this site has requested that we all lighten up because of the negativity being generated by BS posts like yours. Have a good day.
  7. Guess so, they post here all the time.
  8. Just beautiful! Congrats!
  9. Exactly right. People that don't let politics run over into their friendships are the people I want to know.
  10. I know it may be goofy but Murphy's Romance is one of my favorite movies. I just loved James Garner. He came across as an upfront man made up of of his convictions. Seriously, he was one of my favorites. I'll miss him. RIP Mr. Garner.
  11. There's just too many options.........
  12. Careful girlie....he's such a beautiful young man........the girls will be knocking. I'm glad for him and your family. That's great.
  13. Don't be too hard on him girlie, he's what they call a republican.
  14. Everything from Dean Martin to the Doors. Lots of Waylan too.
  15. I'm sorry this happened. I have no experience with seizures in my dogs so I can't help you with personal experiences. What I can do through is wish you, your family and your girl the very, very, very best wishes and good luck.
  16. Glad someone else sees what I was trying to say.
  17. Sorry. It was so outrageous I really could not help myself.
  18. About time you told that poster off! Unbelievable! Really.
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