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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Perhaps you can find a link to confirm what you are saying.
  2. Special forces are the elite. I would think a classification in the special forces may not include hazardous pay. I mean, I don't think there's anything NOT hazardous about being in the special forces.
  3. I agree. Emily is a self involved freak.
  4. While I understand the need for stability in the region I also understand the worldwide havoc created by this region. I am tired of trying to reason my humanity with their brutality. The world, not just the US, needs to put a stop to this.
  5. Camping World in Woodstock. They rent them. Have a great trip!
  6. I'm going to explore that area for sure! Great link, thanks TP.
  7. I agree. I really don't think the county will listen through. You saw how they conducted themselves the last time they got in front of each other.
  8. Don't let Blondie see it. No telling what Papi might do.
  9. I can't even think of the devastation. Way to many emotions, literally, being thrown at these folks.
  10. So......I guess EVERYTHING would include pictures right? Huh? Huh? I just love busting your chops baby girl.
  11. I loved taking the history tour and just walking around the beauty all around the city. It really is a jewel and just good for the soul.
  12. I'm not sure. Can you imagine being with a repulsive man just cause he had money? I've got to get out of my head cause I'm sure you meant it as a joke. Boy, I miss the emoticons.
  13. Hi Nina Britt. Hope you are having a "good time" kind of day.
  14. I never thought Mick was good looking. He has a ton of money so I guess looks don't count for him. I look at James Taylor now and I just dream of what he looked like, think Sweet Baby James. :swoon: Maybe it's an exercise for us to learn everyone ages and their looks change with age. Money can't do squat to change that. I don't know what it is about the stones but it seems like a few of them look like an old boot, more so than some others. Perhaps this is what excessive sex, drugs and rock and roll looks like with some age.
  15. That cause you are in your own special world.
  16. Wish I knew more about the little girls Mom. It may very well be a set up. I mean, who does that? Go to KFC, people (boneheads for sure) complain, little girls leaves and is so jarred by the experience that her mother talks about filing suit. Really? Maybe the person who complained is in on it? Personally, I can't remember anything like this happening in front of me. Mom looked pretty low rent on the news to me. How's that for a judgement call?
  17. Well then, would it not behoove your party to take notes on how to compromise?
  18. No see, that's the point. It's broken. Guess it had to be broken because your party lost. Right?
  19. This is what I would like to see: Your party lost, please refrain from the hate talk and let's get busy working together. Side note..........since it will be a very long time until your party is in the presidential office, it really would behoove you and your party to at least try and work together. I might even vote for your party if I saw a reasonable candidate.
  20. Wouldn't that be fun? I mean to have a p.com bowling party? Hummmmmm.
  21. That would be great.....don't forget to use the super secret code.
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