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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I could care less about anyone's real name on this board. That is not what I asked. What I asked was if this CeeJay was the same CeeJay that used to post or if that identity had been high jacked by an apparent additional right wing nut job.
  2. Hey, I wasn't trying to strong arm anyone. Just looking to confirm a troll. It's fine, you did a good job.
  3. I could care less about conspiracy. So, who are you? Really? Do YOU want to answer?
  4. NJ, don't you find it strange that CeeJay is posting again out of the blue with such inflammatory posts? Hummmmmm.
  5. Substantiate your claims. Just because you say it doesn't make it truth.
  6. Please provide additional links to substantiate your "result."
  7. What is the threshold? 30 or 50 employees? If you have 30 or 50 employees, I would think you would have to offer healthcare to stay competitive for quality people.
  8. Employers and healthcare have been involved with each other for a very, very long time. Obamacare did not create that relationship.
  9. When did we allow that to happen? What do we have to do with it? Personally, I don't have any children that I have to educate on personal responsibility as to birth control.
  10. They don't make men like they used to anymore? Low life, scum bag, hit and run men have been around for a very long time. They like to hang out with low life, scum bag, hit and run women.
  11. It just cracks me up when men don't take personal responsibility seriously. It does take two you know.
  12. Honestly, I really do wonder if the exposure to bat ---- crazy really is bringing all the crazy to the surface. In other words, its always been there but we just didn't read stories about it. I think it's highly likely that crazy has always been there.
  13. Oh OK, thanks Mei lan. I've been having trouble with the links. This just gets more strange.
  14. That's great! I showed it to my nephews. They said "what the heck.......!" It was funny.
  15. I'm not sure why a London based reporter would get her first statement. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  16. Careful guys........someone might mention Sarah Palin.
  17. Thanks for the update. Really wish I knew the words to give you guys the best support....you have people who are wishing you the best, I hope there is a bit of comfort in that.
  18. That's what I thought too. I wonder if it shows the baby alive.
  19. I really can't think anything other than perhaps he was dead already. But what about chick-fil-a? Did anyone see the child alive at that time. How long is it, in the heat, before that smell of death takes over?
  20. Anyone telling you it's getting better on this issue....what are they thinking? IKR? I heard she was 53 and pregnant and I thought.........that's fairly unusual huh?
  21. You would think anyway. I guess we will see.
  22. Oh, I'm sure if he gets a slap on the wrists there will be protests. Money talks. There is no way to twist it otherwise. We will see what it has to say in this case. BTW, the woman that was killed was pregnant.
  23. It's Douglas County, if his parents are rich I bet he will be slapped on the wrists.
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