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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Ohhhhh, I don't know, your avatar looks kind of dummy-like. Nice eyebrows BTW.
  2. Please quit hanging out with your neighbor. At least, don't listen to anymore of their conspiracy theory's. That stuff will make ya nuts I tell you.
  3. Gee wiz Eddie, you never did answer my question in that other thread. So......did I make your night or what?
  4. Media Man.......you really didn't buy into this did you?
  5. That's cause they are all at my house, evidently humping.
  6. http://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/hr2847.asp Here you go.
  7. Have a great time. Haven't been to Chattanooga in a very long time so I'm sorry I have no suggestions.
  8. I really need to update that picture, it was taken at less than a year old. He's is even more good looking and mature now that he is in his prime, at four years old. I love my boy.
  9. From what I understand, they come out of the ground when it gets too wet to get to dryer land. Must be pretty dang wet out there. Guess it's just one more advantage of living in the freaking amazon, aka Yorkville.
  10. Just a bit of chop busting everyone. But, at the same time.....
  11. Hey Eddie! Guess what? Turns out these guys read every single one of your posts! They sure do give details. Did I make your night Eddie?
  12. Yes, like hanging on walls in the upstairs hallway. Ick. They move like worm, worms. To me, inch worms kind of hump their down the road, these don't. Sorry, it's the only way I could think to describe the way an inch worm moves.
  13. You're safe. It's such a pita to post pictures I don't do it very often.
  14. I hear ya, sort of anyway. But, there is just too many of them. I would post the mounds of dead ones we have but, of course, that would involve posting a picture, which is not going to happen.
  15. By the thousands! Really. Anyone else have this problem? Small, brown worms that curl up when they die. I really have never seen such an invasion! Wondering if anyone else is having the problem. TIA
  16. I tried to find it last week....no luck. Is this where the Winn Dixie used to be? Read the link you provided. Please tell Annie I will be there and I will come hungry!
  17. Why Stradial? Have you been a bad boy? Again?
  18. Friend of mine used to work as a welder......he worked for TUG. Might be worth a try.
  19. Glad you guys cleared that up for me. Thanks.
  20. Nevermind. Actually it's Junior Senator.........and has been since 09.
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