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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. You're on doll! Can I bring my super duper protector G S dog? Wait......he'll scare the scummy low life's away. I know, I'll ask him to go stealth.
  2. All my emo things left. Guess they got on their mule and went over "yonder." I miss them.
  3. I'll just be really glad when "yonder" goes the hell away. It is not a direction.
  4. Funny, funny man. Dark, dark man. I've read stories about his dark personality. Sad and apparently hopeless. I've enjoyed him through the years. RIP Robin. You will be missed.
  5. Sorry, I think it's more that the people that were convicted are just dumber. Or they were sold out by more corruption.
  6. Only reference I can find is in a letter from him to Senator Champliss concerning the gun control issue that came up after Sandy Hook, he wrote about "untold numbers of murder cases he's worked on." He's right through, it sure is an untold number, cause I can't find any info. on it.
  7. My rule of thumb has always been talk to the parents.
  8. As I posted in post number two, the FBI was called in early in the case.
  9. I can't help but wonder about their children and their background. I mean this could have been pay back for something one of them had done. Cutting the head off the dad really hit me as a get back.
  10. Lucky, you need a crew. Seriously.
  11. The news said he has a fourty year career with something like 20-40 murder cases. I can't remember the exact number but I do remember being surprised by it.
  12. It was moved to the convert con......password is ON.
  13. Oops.....Nevermind, they are coming home.
  14. I heard on the news about stranded students. The are stranded because there are no flights out.
  15. I saw this story. I also saw up close pictures. Hun, it's a bear. Almost forgot, his front paws have been injured, that's why he/she is walking upright. They are going to leave him/her alone for the time being.
  16. I made an appointment with him. I was a bit early and as I drove up, it was closed. Called him, left him a message. Never heard from him again. Thanks for letting me know if something came up Daniel. I really enjoyed that hour it took getting there and back.
  17. I was at Crossroads on Monday......wondering what the heck I was doing there.
  18. I have heard about these black face, white face since I moved here. Know what? I not looking to have a conversation with them in order to find out. I have heard that the males will sting you like no other. Bad.
  19. I'll remind you that you would not have even known about these crimes had it not been for this "lazy" attempt. Jeeze!
  20. One year we had red ants really bad. A fellow that helps us out around here suggested that we try the gas method. I let him do it, in one spot, took a long time for grass to grow back so if you want brown patches that's the way to go. Do yourself a favor and call a pro.
  21. I feel your pain. I hired a pro and the bug population is way down from years past.
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