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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Saw this story on the news. Looks like she was killed in cold blood.....then set on fire. Brutal. Any story I've seen has mentioned he's a cop. Are you watching Fox?
  2. If this had gone on, because I don't know about this other than reading about it here, I do not know why in the world any parent or decent person would post this to the internet. Pretty sad.
  3. Like you OSU, my belief comes from life experiences. Explore it Thad. Once you get to a comfortable place with it, please share your thoughts. I have a feeling that, while you must have had a very deep experience, you are not alone.
  4. Pubby, with all due respect.....we need to know about this ugliness......why? Freaks that I really don't need to know about. Diveants. Not interested.
  5. I made chocolate chip with walnut cookies today. Very buttery, big shots of chocolate and walnuts within the cookie. So sorry I can't get you some so you could eat them tonight.....really so sorry.
  6. I love Tanner and will head to Tanner if the need arises.
  7. The more I think about this, the more outrageous it gets.
  8. The only identification of the person who contacted Ponytail with this story was "a concerned parent". Was this responsible of her to publish this? If I were this child's mother, I would be LIVID!
  9. My opinion, which I am entitled to, is that this mother should be slapped upside the head for throwing what happened to her child into the court of public opinion by putting this ON THE INTERNET. I know I would have died of embarrassment. Handle your families business within the family when it comes to such a personal threat. This mother is a cop out excuse for a mother in my opinion. Let the bashing begin.
  10. When I spoke to KRM earlier I told her.........well, now at least you know you have a brain. All kidding aside, glad you had a good experience. I'll badger you with why it happened in the first place at a later date.
  11. Well then, we will just to make it a Saturday huh? Wouldn't be the same without you anyway. Maybe this fall. It's beautiful during leaf turning. Bring your camera!
  12. I remember, but I don't remember, hopefully you know what I mean. What brought your hulk down? All three are good looking.
  13. Happy b'day lady! Hope you have a chance to celebrate a little.
  14. Well, at least the US will be paid tax on their US profits. http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/08/26/burger_king_buys_tim_hortons_is_it_really_not_trying_to_dodge_taxes.html
  15. I get the joke now too. Sorry about that Stradial, it went totally over my head the first go-round. Lol.
  16. What you say makes sense. I guess I thought that a firearms instructor would know that a 9 yo girl would not be able to control such a gun. I gave too much credit to the firearm instructor. Like you said "use some common sense."
  17. When a 9 year old loses control of an Uzi? Sounds like it was a misfire. No? Terrible accident in either case.
  18. K, I've heard of digging your way to China before. I've never heard of the upside down thing. Oh, btw what the hell it had to do with anything, I'm still not sure. It didn't look Chinese, it looked more like Hebrew to me anyway. China?
  19. Ah heck Low.....I grew up in Queens, NY and I was a tom girl too. Rode horses, walked every where, champion fence climber, hand ball player and I had an older sister who would kick any bodies butt if they were mean to me. But she's nuts anyway.
  20. I knew....I JUST knew I'd run into the right gal, if I just waited long enough! Wanna be my best friend? Huh? Huh? Lol.
  21. Wow! That looks like Hollywood or something. Really, really nice!
  22. What world do people live in that they think that shooting a 13 year old boy, in his bed, while he slept, is in any way OK?
  23. Well heck.....now I don't know if I'm too old or too young to get the China thing. O well, not the first time I'm confused around here.
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