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Beach Bum

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Everything posted by Beach Bum

  1. I'm sorry Blondega1. I don't know much about bursitis. I twisted my right knee last week, went to the orthopedic surgeon a couple of days ago and am now on anti inflammatories and PT. It stinks. I have watched more movies in the last few days than I've watched in my entire life. Hubby took me out on the Gator a few minutes ago to ride around and that helped - I don't like being confined. Should be better in a couple of weeks according to Doc. I hope that you or whoever has bursitis feels much better soon. If not, just come on over and we can watch movies, read and share ice p
  2. You and I both know Whitey that there is absolutely no way to accurately gauge that. Obviously there are many factors that are taken into consideration and each county's circumstances vary. You aren't dramatic steradial - you are just humorous and light hearted! Those are good qualities.
  3. The business plan is evidently that we are going to have an airport with limited commercial service. Airports are instrumental to the state's transportation and economic infrastructure supporting technology, manufacturing, distribution, tourism and agriculture. It doesn't take an expert to conclude that these businesses utilize airports to transport employees, customer, vendors, etc. which in turn spurs economic development which has very far reaching effects. There are direct and indirect benefits from having an airport - it affects things from the airport on down to local restaurants, co
  4. What a wonderful story and what an awesome guy Austin is! God bless him and his Father and best wishes to Austin for continued success and a happy, productive, fulfilling life! This story proves that you can overcome many obstacles that life sometimes throws at you and go on to be a wonderful human being. Thanks for sharing momof 3!
  5. I think it is hilarious that you started this thread as I just had a dream about Gilligan the other night. Weird dream.......haven't figured that one out yet. I truly loved Gilligan's Island growing up. I always had cheerleading practice right after school was out and Gilligan's Island came on at 4:30 in the afternoon. I would be so upset when I didn't make it home in time to watch Gilligan's Island.
  6. Did you ever wonder why Ginger brought so many clothes and so much makeup with her for a "3 hour cruise"?
  7. I understand. Can you honestly say though that David Austin, Boyd Austin, any of our elected officials, Calvin Thompson, any of our Airport Authority members, etc. are really taking the action they are taking to try and hurt Paulding County and its citizens? Truly, I don't believe any of these people would hurt a fly intentionally and I truly believe they love our community and its people. I think they have faced some very challenging issues and I truly believe in my heart they are attempting to act in the best interests of our community. Really, why would any of them try to hurt o
  8. I disagree. Cobb has lots of other avenues to fall back on business and economic wise. Like I said earlier, they seem to be a very "business friendly" environment.
  9. I will keep this short and sweet. I suppose the reason is because Cobb County has always been a "business friendly" environment, therefore setting the stage. I guess the people of Cobb County realized early on that the property tax base needed to be diversified, therefore, the attempt to draw businesses in and economic development. That, my friend, is what our elected officials are attempting to do.
  10. She is a beautiful lady who loves her husband. That is very evident to everyone that knows them. You know, I guess Guard Dad is just like the rest of the "free world" these days. Most everyone spends time online now and then - even my elderly parents!
  11. As we are all aware, the airport is here - it is not going anywhere. Why would they not utilize our assets to their fullest potential? You and I both know that the majority of the funds used to construct the airport came from the FAA. Yes, I realize we as taxpayers are "footing some of the bill" for the airport. What is done is done as far as the airport being constructed. Our elected officials have a responsibility to us to utilize it in the manner that will best benefit the overall good of the people of Paulding County. So, we put it on the ballot. IF it gets turned down, do w
  12. But this is where some of you are wrong. This might be what you guys want; however, that does not mean that a larger number of citizens of this county do not want it. This group and the opinions of the members of the anti airport group do not speak for the majority of the citizens of the county, they speak for themselves. On the other hand, the pro airport supporters do not speak for the entire population of the county, they speak for themselves. And before you all say "put it on the ballot", we have rehashed this over and over again. Our elected officials are simply attempting t
  13. What a beautiful story and such a worthwhile cause. Just a simple thing like being able to wear jeans like everyone else........what a wonderful inspiration this woman is!
  14. You are wrong Whitey. Jeff Miller was Mayor of Dallas when the explosive growth of Hiram started.
  15. I am the woman I am because I work hard, I love my family and friends and human beings in general (unless they give me reason to do otherwise), I am honest and I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right. I understand everyone is not going to care for me and I understand that everyone is not always going to agree with me - that is called life. I am quite proud of everything I have accomplished, am proud of my moral character, my values, my hard work and efforts. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. Do I try to always do the right thing? Absolutely. My family and friends lo
  16. Actually, I'm not the one making accusations so you might want to consult with the person that started this topic. As I said, it was my understanding that the Airshow was not going to happen because of the EA. I have told the anti airport group that I appreciate the fact that they are being proactive in their efforts. It is never a bad thing for political leaders to know their actions are being monitored by those they serve. That benefits all of us. What I do find ridiculous is the "nitpicking" in this thread. I also find it quite "juvenile" that a good, responsible, hardworking
  17. I'm educated, I'm informed and I call it like I see it.
  18. Then heck.....you guys go do a specific open records request as to this specific issue instead of just sitting around and speculating.
  19. If I recall, it was in November, 2013 when all the "hoopla" began. I think it would be a reasonable assumption that in light of the controversy, lawsuits, etc., that it would be in the best interests of everyone involved to not have the air show this year. Call it cancelling, call it not scheduling, whatever you wish. If you people have all the time in the world to "nitpick" everything the AA, et al is doing, then by all means, have at it. I personally view it as our Airport acting responsibly and respectfully in light of everything going on centered around the airport. I guess its ju
  20. Even I would know that an airshow would most likely interfere with an EA. Giggle..... And oh as to the cost, I don't know but as YOU are stating above it was a financial flop, you surely must be able to back that up with proof and details of some kind, right surepip?
  21. Thus the reason for me saying "or not scheduled", meaning not scheduled due to the EA. Your opinions may differ from mine but I see that as our Airport acting responsibly in attempting to not interfere with the EA and not creating a burden as to a "change of plans". As to it being cancelled, I guess in a sense you can say that, as we have had the air show in years past and there were initial plans for an airshow in 2014, that it was cancelled due to the EA.
  22. It has always been my understanding that this year's airshow was cancelled (or not scheduled) as it could possibly conflict with the EA being conducted during the same approximate time frame. It is also my understanding also that these airshows are planned well in advance and that any potential conflict would need to be disclosed, thus the reason for the cancellation or non-scheduling. Maybe you Gone, Whitey, tundra, mojo or anyone else can prove to me where there are any "lies" as to this issue. What I see is responsibility in not scheduling an event that might have to be cancelled
  23. Thank you all very much - you had some great suggestions! Just as soon as I can stop working long enough, I am going shopping!
  24. i do this sometimes - good for the soul! I too have a Rubbermaid container with this kind of stuff that we refer to as "the box" at my house. Everyone knows "the box" cannot be thrown away. I also have "the box" for my children's memorabilia and now "the box" for my grandchildren's memorabilia. A few years ago I thought I had lost a very important letter that a friend of mine and a sorority sister from college wrote to me. Within the letter were words to a song that she wrote and sang for me and my husband at our wedding 35 years ago. I had stored this letter with a lot of other me
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