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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Pubby you are twisting the facts on how the fair tax works with the " adding 25% " comment. go back and re-read the fair tax book again, slowly, and comprehend it.
  2. Two quick questions cowa, did we or did we not suffer a terrible act of war on our soil by islamic terrorist on 9-11-01? And is it not better to take the fight to them rather here in our backyards?
  3. must have coffee, need coffee, kids get dressed, be a good boy / girl today , love you.
  4. hey pubster "my first time directly addressing you" progressive income taxes are in the best of shape either with unemployment as high as it is.
  5. Would you agree that a government agency "school systems" having control of your children year round, is the same as more "big" government that always requires more or higher taxes? Oh, and by the way with the exception of a few typos I believe I turned out okay with 3 months off in the summer. How about yourself?
  6. absolutely the schools are supposed to teach, however that doea not give them sole responsibility to teach your, children. The parents are also responsible for teaching. I disagree with year round for the elementary and middle school age children, I believe that would be better for high school ages.
  7. In case of the 1st children, Daddy might not care to have his children hear a negative report about himself. Oh I forgot he wouldn't watch a conservative channel such as fox.
  8. sounds to me that you would rather the school system raise and teach your kids, instead of yourself.
  9. The state already has some control over local systems, with state funding which has been cut which forced local BOE's to force furloughs on the staff. In Cobb the staff is mainly the teachers, but not the "full time" employees who work at the main board office, who by the way just returned from a retreat.
  10. Cobb schools are closed for Prez's day, and the teachers are forced to take Mon. as a furlough day.
  11. if there are kids on these busses after school has started and the busses are not headed toward any schools in that area, then where are they taking the kids?
  12. the latest scuttlebut is he just found out that he actually has to sleep in the same house as Hillary, he then began feeling chest pains.
  13. I agree with DANG My suggestion would be GET OFF THE ROAD!
  14. Call Obama, he will set up a committee to research the situation, then refer to princess Pelosi to pass new legislation for a bailout, then on to Mr. Reid to finalize the bail out bill in the senate. There will be a multi billion dollar emergency spending law passed to keep the " middle class " citizens beer cold.
  15. my wife has done this on more than one occasion
  16. back in the day it was waffle house or krystal, and I mean way back in the day, like 1/4 century ago
  17. I don't want to use the word stupid here, but why is it that the school buses will not go over 35mph on a road such as 61 marked at 55 mph, even when the bus is empty? Just asking.
  18. Or the lazy people who leave their shopping carts in a parking space, instead placing them in the cart / buggy return area. Some people are just stupid and I guess you can't fix stupid.
  19. Fair enough, however I still believe the sole purpose for any local government to install them is to boost their income, the "it wiil save lives argument" has not been proven.
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