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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Me not being an airport/aviation expert, I am curious about the sale of the fuel. Who is the retailer, meaning who buys the fuel then sells it to the plane owner/operator, and then realizes the profit from said sale?
  2. Given the shape of economy , you bet the politicos will do what ever they can, to get their hands on whatever monies they can. Oh and by the way where did the fed get the funds? Why the taxpayers of course.
  3. Saddles Puhleeze change it, dcred's is a little easier to look at. But this one is frightening
  4. yea kinda like one of those dogs with the tired long droopy face.
  5. Or maybe name it The greatest little aiport to never be used by the majority of the citizens of its home county regional airport.
  6. Oh MOWERS, I didn't have on my spectacles on when I first read your post, and thought it said non working mothers. I just wanted to check and see how you were planning on rebuilding, and selling them mothers.
  7. More accurately, our children will be paying for the stimulus program. The "billing" for the stimulus has yet to begin.
  8. The difference being we are FORCED to pay into social security, unlike CHOOSING to fund a retirement plan.
  9. did I miss something, are they contemplating re-naming the airport? how about Jerry's just sayin
  10. Bubba knows all day is ta know bout shrimp.
  11. Yep better brush up on your spanish, otherwise you might offend an alien
  12. Be sure that while you are fishing that you use a row boat and not an oil dependant gasoline burning engine.
  13. Sorry can't help you with the screw driver, How bout a left handed football bat
  14. Try walking to work from now on, do not under any circumstance get in your oil dependant vehicle for future travel. Plan ahead as your commute will take longer.
  15. Yep, everytime I buy a lottery ticket.
  16. perhaps he was concerned about the global warming and decided to drive a more fuel efficient vehicle.
  17. I would wager that if it were part of the left leaning leadership of this country, pressing for new legislation requiring the same english only exams, that you would be all for it.
  18. My bad I meant to type the LEFT fast lane where the vans can be found on any interstate, or four lane. Also call it profiling, stereotyping, or whatever. I know what I am looking at when I have to pass said driver on their right. I promise you those folks would have a hard time passing a english only exam.
  19. I was actually refering to the vans loaded down with ladders, and or various other construction equip. that get in the right lane and drive just under the speed limit.
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