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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Wouldn't want to stir the pot wouldja? There is no doubt you knew where the topic should be placed. If you were trying to fire up the drama machine you have done very well, look at how fired up oleblue is bitchin about the bitchers already.
  2. Seems like the poll troll brought one back from January 2011, why?
  3. I still think the princess pelosi has got-tu be da ugliest.
  4. Rumbling on the northside now. And this has nothing to do with being polly-tickle.
  5. Congratulations there old timer, if she just could have waited a couple more days then we could share the same birthday - today.
  6. Then the 60's it was, I also remember a show from way back then called the Bananasplits. "Hey Fleagle .... get the mail"
  7. Sounds YUMMY, what's for lunch tomorrow?
  8. Showing my age here, but I remember watching the monkees back in the 60's, or maybe the early 70's
  9. "biskits n mustard" - Slingblade "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?" - Animal House "I'll be back" - Terminator "Run Forest run" - F. Gump in the background you see a fishing boat crash into a dock in the foreground Forest says "that's my boat Lt.Dan" - F. Gump "We got a full tank of gas, cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses .... Hit it" - Blues Brothers
  10. Is it illegal to post/lie on the internet in order to purposely mislead other posters that you are of the opposite sex?
  11. Dang if we had just started drilling in ANWR five years ago, when the Dems took control of congress "pelosi/reid" under Dubya, we could be refining that oil TODAY.
  12. WE HAVE A WINNER! Hit the nail on the head
  13. President Obama walks into the Bank of America and says to a cashier, "Good morning Ma'am, could you please cash this check for me?" Cashier: "It would be my pleasure, sir. Could you please show me your ID?" Obama: "Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn't think there was any need to. I am Barrack Obama, President of the United States.” Cashier: "Yes sir, I know who you are, but with all the Government regulations, monitoring of the banks because of imposters and forgers, etc., I must insist on seeing an ID." Obama: "Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am
  14. Depends, are we solving for Y, or X?
  15. I noticed several folks walking out of the Acworth WalMart with beer in hand this past Sunday while waitng in the car for the wife.
  16. Thanks, I'm just weighing all the options for now, sooner or later I'll have to retire the '02 F150, and I'm considering a 250 for towing purposes. After watching the eco boost informercial in the truck, I'm thinking that the designers were looking for mileage and torque like a diesel engine from a regular gas engine maybe. I've pretty much been driving Fords since the eighties, and would like to stay with the blue oval. I have a few buddies who drive Dodge 2500s with the Cummins diesel and I am impressed with that engine compared to the Power stroke v-8 Ford.
  17. Did you mean to say "I pressed the reset button"
  18. Now that we have gone from constitution to cars,"sorryOP", Blue have you heard any feedback on the Eco-boost engine in the F150? Positive or negative.
  19. I think waiting on a decision by the scotus is the right decision.
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