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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. I love the state of Georgia, even with her faults I will stay right here where I was born.
  2. Fair enough, as you have stated that one Bill was a ********* "expletive" for using the gorilla warfare campaign tactics, will you still support of the other Bill who owes MILLIONS to the FDIC, allowing him to use your quotes on his campaign mailers?
  3. Okay, quick question, does Mr. Carruth really owe over $2,000,000.00 to the FDIC? If he doesn't then whomever is responsible for this mailer should be charged with malicious slander.
  4. I'm sure it was just an oversight on your part, and you really meant to post this in the proper Political forum, right?
  5. You are correct they denied it was a tax all during the debate before they passed it, while claiming all along that it was constitutional under the commerce clause.
  6. Remember 0bama said himself this would not be a tax increase, yet the SCOTUS said that was the only way it could be considered to be constitutional. Everyone will not be paying in, only the folks who can afford to purchase healthcare will be paying, all others will be receiving their coverage for free being covered by medicaid.
  7. Where are all the liberals who supported the mandate as it was sold to the American public under the commerce clause? The SCOTUS today said that it was NOT constitutional under the commerce clause, it can only be constitutional as a tax.
  8. Same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old sameold same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old same old C R A P
  9. Youins iz gonna hafta invest in wunna em aire high powered over the shoulder boulder holders.
  10. Quit deflecting, grow a pair and answer my question, are you stating that the state of Georgia is corrupt because of the republican majority that was duly elected?
  11. Well alrighty then, if the powers that be just pull the #poof# act, then we shall try again, what in the ____ does your beloved bookmarking have to do with the democrat appointed A.G. filing a frivilous lawsuit agaisnt a conservative, have to do with this topic? Or are yee the type that needs to get a life and place their topics in the correct forum in the first place?
  12. So in this thread you are saying that Georgia is corrupt because the elections usually trend toward republican candidates?
  13. What is the term .... oh yeah .... FRIVILOUS even if it comes from a democrat appointed A.G.
  14. Ohh .... sigh .... the obvious intent of the OP of this thread by not opening in the correct forum.
  15. Still curious why this thread is IN THE WRONG FORUM, as it is an obvious slam against Republican/Conservatives? DUH wake up mods!
  16. And here is the rub, do we not need to first determine that they are indeed LEGAL American Citizens?
  17. Ya mean like actually passing a budget, which the Dem controlled senate hasen't done in nearly THREE YEARS?
  18. While we do spend quite a bit on groceries, we do not spend $2,000.00 per month @ Krozhay. Being in the construction industry I do spend A LOT @ the home improvement stores, which does allow me to accumulate the afforementioned $2,000.00 per month, which does translate to a $2.00 off per gallon savings.
  19. Wail I kaint member whar I saw me some flink pamingos, or wuz em aire phink elepants?
  20. And that would be the stupidest thing you have ever done.
  21. Newsflash, not every LEO is in uniform with their badge in clear view.
  22. My bad, checked my receipt and it was actually $1.56 per gallon.
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