i had 2 taken out on wed. top left and bottom right and I feel like a chipmunk and look like on too. im tired of eating only taters, mac n cheese, jello and pudding and of course soup... how long will it be before i can eat real food?
my dd is in 8th grade this year and she has to walk a half mile to her bus stop and shes the only one in our hood that rides the middle school bus. whats bad is the bus passes our house to go to the bus stop
I was room mom last yr for my youngest daughters class and its sad at how many parents participate. I may not be able to supply the class with things but I do spend a lot of time in the class. If I have extra paper, crayons or pencils I try to take that stuff in but don't always have it.
I buy just enough supplies for my kids to start school bc I can't afford everything that's on the list. When my kids run out I buy more if I have the money