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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. Kaiser HMO was the best insurance I had and kept for over 20 years until the Affordable Care Act made it affordable for me (and I couldn't keep the doctor that I liked.) I don't know if that type of HMO is even available today. I would think the closest you can get to is to have low deductible which means really high monthly premium - or was it supposed to be $75 a month? With all the lies Obama told on this one it is hard to keep them all straight. All I know is I pay more for less. Hope you can find something that works for you.
  2. other than assumptions made to support their science was incorrect and further study will always change what is today known as "fact"
  3. wrong - Afgan invasion started under Bush so we can point back to him once again.
  4. I'm not sure if the liberals will use this to support global warming claim or that state NASA does not understand science? Or both? I think it is good that there is more ice, but bad that sea level is rising and Atlanta will be under water in 65,000 years?
  5. remember coming down for the pcom "radio" show. good luck in the new space
  6. interesting that a decision to fire the officer comes so quickly yet charges for disrupting school have not been filed against the gansta girl.
  7. yes, if the student will not comply then the SRO should handle the situation. Teachers are meant to teach. Call the professionals to deal with the unruly and remove either peacfully, or if the student wants to war, then the SRO can handle that too.
  8. LPPT, you should go to youtube and search for "girls fighting" a 95# "sweet little thing" can do some damage. The officer has every right to go home unscathed. He was doing as his training dictated in that situation.
  9. The officer has to respond with terminal velocity for his own protection. Kid was asked nicely to get up and get the hell out. Would politely putting your hand and on the kid and saying "please Jenny, we really mean it..." bring the expected outcome? Probably not - kid would have fought back and there could have been more injuries. Officer did what it took to subdue the kid to get compliance. Fully support the officer for removing the disturbance in the place of learning.
  10. 2 in. soil temps at 56 degrees so I'm 50-50 on this job working out well
  11. I think if you have a teen come by and look after the kids while you go to a movie you will pay around $10/hr. Some charge for additional kids. Not sure on absolute rates, but I do recall hearing there are variable rates. For 8-5 child care I think you might be in the $4-600 per month range.
  12. Sorry - don't have any current payment experience. I would look for someone experienced and that is first aid certified. How much would you be willing to pay to ensure your daughter is well looked after? I'm thinking $10 is about the lowest someone would need to look after kids.
  13. happy birthday - hope you have a great day
  14. spread some pepper or something similar in the areas that they are walking. as they put the nose down to find a good place to drop one they might decide to move on
  15. I think you are a few weeks too late but we are expecting some 80 degree weather on Friday. If soil is properly prepared and you plan on giving it some water then I say go for it.
  16. did the motorcyclist get a citation for passing on double yellow? the driver does say something like "there are laws..." probably meaning you shouldn't be passing... bottom line is the stupid motorcycle behavior got the driver and rider to where they ended up. No excuse for the old timer doing what he did but stupidity begins somewhere. I am surprised that Darwin did not have more of a voice in the incident.
  17. Two idiots meet on the road - the car driver could have easily said he was attempting to turn left as there is a driveway on the left. At least in GA the double yellow means no passing.
  18. I always get a chuckle out of the female's interviewing professional football payers on the side lines. Have no clue on what they are talking about. Need more stories like "first male ballerina" to show that men can do the impossible too.
  19. Read in the Paulding Neighbor that the ISO rating for many areas in the county has been lowered from protection class 5 to 3. Should see a lowered home owners insurance rate due to this. Many thanks to the fire department and the BoC for supporting their efforts to improve service in Paulding. When I moved here in 2000 my home was ISO class 9, station 6 had one fire fighter and I had little confidence that I would have help in a timely fashion if needed. (Over the years I did require EMS at my home and the differences between my experiences with the City of Marietta FD and the response of
  20. Search for the windows 8 upgrade assistant and run it. It will provide an evaluation on the tower. My laptop is from Sept 2008 and runs windows 10 just fine. The upgrade from Win7 on this laptop was very easy and the new OS runs fine. It has 4GB RAM and a 2.1 GHz Core 2 Duo processor.
  21. reminds me of "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"
  22. my bet is there are "homeland security" type funds that pay for these deputies. I recall when that building first opened there was not any security.
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