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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. One other in the Marietta area: Hot Shots Pawn Shop Pistol Range & Gun Shop (770) 436-6600 2445 Austell Rd Sw, Marietta, GA 30008
  2. If you want to see something cool, check out this product - coming to the progressive company near you: http://www.avaya.com/usa/campaign/avaya-flare-experience-guided-tour/
  3. looks to be Marshall Fuller Rd area: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=18+amanda+dr+dallas&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=18+Amanda+Dr,+Dallas,+GA+30157&gl=us&ei=nkQBTaaTFMKblgf83ZGBCQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA
  4. my guess is the computer/device would require some type of SSD in order to load the "OS" that would connect "to the cloud."
  5. res 2, clark med 1, HPD 708 enroute grey cube, mazda passenger car res 2 on scene res 2 advises on woman complaining of neck and chest pains - history of heart problems
  6. batt 2 on scene, requestion T4 to respond with hand rakes once they are on scene
  7. 2 acres fully involved tanker 4 enroute GFC 3 & 4 enroute, I believe eng 10 as well
  8. So do you feel that you wasted the officer's time?
  9. Well, Obomacare told us that "rich folks" would pay more. I'm sure glad I am just plan 'ole middle class instead of rich folks like NATUREGIRL!!!! I am expecting a 12% or so increase in February. I guess it will be time to raise deductibles AGAIN!
  10. VADER, no one is coming down on you. You saw a van (with ladders) drive around stop, then "leave in a hurry" when they saw you looking at them. You had a right to call the SO (I hope you used the non-emergency) number if you thought there might be a problem. I think I would have observed further and made the call if I saw what I considered suspicous activities. (those descibed to me did not seem suspicous, although I might have noted the tag number.....)
  11. Probably looking for some gutters to clean. Reminds me of a call I heard on a friend of mine. He walked the neighborhood and picked up trash along his route. A "suspicious person" was placed on him. I drove down the street and told him to head home since he was about to get hassled by the man. I thought, now how can a guy waking down the street cause that much concern? Was it because he was doing something out of the norm? Like picking up trash?????
  12. here is another deal on games - select games - 2 for $30 at Walmart; http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=%2430+video+bundle&ic=48_0&Find=Find&search_constraint=0
  13. so we have impending food and gas shortages. Solution - all farmers consentrate on beans - helps with gas shortage, right?
  14. "With little chance world leaders from 193 countries gathering in Cancn this week will come to any legal agreement, scientists like Cribb warn that the stakes are high, time is running out and it will be both rich and poor countries who will suffer from the long term impact of climate change leaving millions to go hungry by 2050" http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20101207/wl_time/httpnewsfeedtimecom20101207impendingcrisisearthtorunoutoffoodby2050xidrssfullworldyahoo
  15. It is in the NE corner of the county off of Dabbs Bridge Rd. I guess those security gates aren't working too well?????
  16. it is hard to find many of these on sale - I figure some of you guys would be interested.
  17. link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_354769922_2?ie=UTF8&plgroup=1&docId=1000641841&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=right-2&pf_rd_r=0A0QWPJBVQ9JP0RPAA17&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1283420802&pf_rd_i=468642
  18. technically, the "big blast" has not occured yet - but it is coming up shortly..... (posted 11:46AM EST)
  19. should be allowed warnings - like LEO responding to an alarm call - 2-3rd time it happens, then the owner gets a fine ($50 first, $100, second, etc.). oh wait, I think the caller is already paying for the service - isn't there a 911 delivery charge on your phone bill?
  20. Paulding should just take their business elsewhere!
  21. yes - a firefighter arriving on the scene would be minimal EMT-B and able to provide BLS until the ALS unit arrived.
  22. great - bring on the replacement players!!!!
  23. The fire station and the Clark dispatcher are each toned at the same time. They each are told the address at the same time. The main difference is that the 911 dispatcher has already determined which station will be toned out based on who is in service that serves the caller's address. The Clark dispatcher has to determine which of their units they will have respond. I don't know how long this may take them, but if this is not an automated system, that might be a good area to help increase response times. The fire department has better coverage (11 stations) and therefore better res
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