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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Jeez, how old was she? I would have beat the sh*t out of him.
  2. So....so, I'm supposed to take a picture of my special no-no place and send it to her so she can recreate it? Out of yarn? Oh dear.
  3. With that attitude somebody will probably shoot her in the face before too long then she won't be anybody's problem.
  4. Just have patience. In 20 years you'll all be getting together for family vacations and wondering where the time went!
  5. poopy stuff http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stool-color/AN00772
  6. mmmm......I LIKE my GYNO .....SORRY! OH God, SORRY!!
  7. And then have to take care of it until they DIE.
  8. Why, I myself am busting a move! It's like the skating rink in 1983! Yay!
  9. My two girls and I can eat like a starving lumberjack with a tapeworm when the mood hits but that video has made me go hmmmmm......
  10. BLAH............................................................................ ........
  11. My favorite part was watching Vito's buddy's finish off his leftovers!
  12. The only people who should wear "wife beaters" are old men and then only under a button down shirt. Anyone else should be thrown on the ground, handcuffed and hauled to jail.
  13. American Pie gotta think about the rest......
  14. Oh the violence! Apparently, you need a little more chicken in your heart. or something like that....yeah.....
  15. OK, I understand the "I gave my love a cherry" part but a chicken? I gave my love a chicken?
  16. why do people even get gold fillings? They're ugly.
  17. I have to say, one thing I really like about this site is the access to true professional advice!
  18. I think it's a big ole' crap shoot. I've been with BOA since it was C & S or whatever back in the 80's and never had a problem.
  19. I triple dog dare ya! AND post pictures!
  20. my kids use their keys to get in, pause and then yell "Are you naked?!"
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