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Everything posted by kcarlsonlpn

  1. It must suck to live in constant fear. I'd find it rather difficult to enjoy a jog, walk, bike ride while packing heat. The point of these activities is to get away from it all...clear your mind...breathe in the fresh air...not be ready to pull a gun. A better way to approach things is to do what you feel comfortable doing. If you don't feel it's safe to walk the SCT, then don't walk the SCT...walk through your neighborhood or a park instead. If you're downtown ATL and don't feel comfortable walking the road you're on, pull out your phone and find a different route. I guess I jus
  2. Meanwhile, in the real world, US Q2 GDP beats estimates and comes in at 4% growth. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/us-economy-grows-4-percent-second-quarter-2014-109535.html?hp=l1 mrnn
  3. It's funny...I can be hanging out with my 18yo son's friends or folks my dad's age or folks my age and they all appreciate my collection. New Stuff -- Kanye, Chance the Rapper, The National, Daft Punk, Vampire Weekend, Black Keys, Muse, Wilco, Jack Johnson .....what's funny is that some of this stuff I've been listening to for a decade or more, long before they were famous, and "kids" these days think they're new acts. My age stuff -- Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Kyuss, Radiohead, The Jayhawks, Son Volt, Guns N' Roses, Wu Tang Clan, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Red Hot Chi
  4. It was a joke, Fox....relax, my brotha. mrnn
  5. But then you show up to the vet and it's packed with people. They're all talking about how great it is that they can get their cats fixed under the new law for no charge. The vet asks you who you work for and you tell them. They say, "we're sorry....this will cost you $100 because your employer has religious beliefs that stopping cat population growth is sinful.". I'm sure you'd have no resentment whatsoever, right? I'm sure you would ask yourself why your employer's religious beliefs have any influence on your personal life at all, right? I'm sure you'd happily take your unfixed cat hom
  6. Apparently Justice Ginsburg didn't either....considering she said this in her dissent: "Would the exemption…extend to employers with religiously grounded objections to blood transfusions (Jehovah's Witnesses); antidepressants (Scientologists); medications derived from pigs, including anesthesia, intravenous fluids, and pills coated with gelatin (certain Muslims, Jews, and Hindus); and vaccinations[?]…Not much help there for the lower courts bound by today's decision." mrnn
  7. The RFRA applies to people, not for-profit businesses. Justice Ginsburg's dissent touches on this. mrnn
  8. You're right...and thankfully it is available. The issue isn't access as much as it is allowing a for-profit business have rights typically reserved for non-profits as well as allowing rights, reserved for people, apply to businesses and even allowing the business's rights to trample the rights of 21,000 employees. Obamacare was settled...it's law...this birth control stuff is the law of the land...passed by Congress, signed by the President, and vetted by SCOTUS. Hobby Lobby is denying fair treatment under the law to 21,000 people because of their religious beliefs. It's wrong, plain a
  9. When you've been in relationships, did you just have sex to procreate or would you consider sex just something that couples do...an expression of love, feelings of physical and emotional pleasure, quenching desire, or even something as simple as passing time on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Sex isn't evil...it's not an irresponsible act. People in long-term relationships have on interest in using condoms and typically opt for the pill or a UID. The morning after is a "just in case" when perhaps a Saturday night of fun goes a little too far or a condom breaks. So if we can make the gigantic
  10. And intrauterine devices. mrnn It says you can't discriminate on race. What about LGBT? Anything in there about that? Didn't think so. mrnn
  11. And this isn't just about contraception, either....this opens the door for all types of discrimination based on "religious values". mrnn
  12. So now she should stop having sex because her employer is a religious whack job? Contraception isn't aboortzion. I saw a good comment on a site relating to all of this... "I'll believe corporations and fetuses are people when Texas executes one of them" mrnn
  13. So now corporations aren't just "people", they are "people" whose rights trump the rights of actual breathing people. Take Mary Jo Smith from Hiram, GA. She has 4 kids, is a single mother, and works for Hobby Lobby for a paltry wage peddling Hobby Lobby's Chinese made crap. She doesn't want any more kids...she can't afford the ones she has. She'd been receiving birth control as a part of her insurance plan. Federal law recognizes her rights to contraception being a fundamental component of any comprehensive health insurance coverage and for the contraception to be treated as any othe
  14. $4.2B in child tax credits? That's a lot. But wait...you have to file taxes to receive tax credits. Is Sessions saying that illegals are paying federal income taxes but being their children, born in Mexico and without citizenship, are "illegal" they shouldn't receive the credit? According to GOP talking points, illegals don't pay ANY taxes so obviously this bill was bunk from the beginning. mrnn
  15. Props to the DA and CCSO for getting this seemingly right. I thought they were way off base but, given what's leaking out, they were spot on. I hope this sick truck dies a slow, painful death, after repeated rape, in prison. I look at the pictures of that little boy and I just can't imagine the suffering he felt...likely calling out to his dad for help as he was slowly suffocating to death. mrnn
  16. Also, a plastic surgeon out of Vegas had volunteered to do reconstructive surgery for free after reading her story. Hopefully he still does that given it's truly about the little girl's life and not her good-for-nothing grandmother's actions. mrnn
  17. The con is that it's IE11 The pro is that you can still switch to Chrome mrnn
  18. If 67% of Native-Americans finding it offensive, as found in this study, translates to "most native Americans are not offended whatsoever", then I guess you're onto something. mrnn
  19. Assuming there's no other shady business involved, wouldn't involuntary manslaughter be the appropriate charge? I thought murder was taking the life of someone intentionally, whereas manslaughter is accidentally taking someone's life? ETA: Not to mention, manslaughter usually comes with bail. This dude has no bail and will be in prison while his kid is buried. If the cops are wrong saying that there is more that we don't know then this is an absolute travesty the way this dude is being treated. I'm really, really, REALLY hoping that Cobb's DA is messing up and that this kid's death in t
  20. That had me cracking up....here's it's companion commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XnzfRqkRxU&feature=kp mrnn
  21. Even if this is true, I can still believe the guy's story. I mean his reaction, according to witnesses, is not something I'd expect of a "murderer". I don't think it's a stretch to think the guy was rushing. Left the house well after 8 and was on his way home a few minutes after 4....those are atypical hours for a corporate environment (9-4). mrnn
  22. GD, this is where WR has you....he's not using speculation to drive his "belief", he's using hard numbers and facts from EVERY other industrialized nation on Earth who uses single-payer as a basis for meeting the medical needs of their citizens. Quite the opposite, you cannot point to a single example of our pre-, or post-ACA, capitalistic, market-driven approach leading to efficient, nor effective, healthcare succeeding anywhere....except for Massachusetts which, while certainly the most successfully insured state in the Union, still outpaces comparative costs when compared to other nations
  23. He attributed his cancer to dipping throughout his career. Very sad. mrnn
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