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Everything posted by AtlantaBry

  1. Any # here is too high........but 0.2% doesn't sound bad to me....I wonder what the % is just for a regular citizen is? My car was broken into in my own driveway right here in Paulding County just about 3 weeks ago.......so I would take 0.2 right now.
  2. Well if is was free......you can't complain near as much as when you pay for it. Gees.
  3. I think they both taste just as bad as they smell. Yuck! My mom and dad fix them ever year because it is supposed to bring you money? I told her why does she still do it? They have done if for so many years they should be filthy rich by now. Happy New year everyone!
  4. If the diagnosed you w/ 2 things such as cold and strep throat tell him he needs to pick the one he want to get paid for. That is down right stupid of the office to say that.
  5. Hey what are wieners and blologna made out of anyway?
  6. There is more to this story for sure.........stay tuned.
  7. Yes, I agree w/ kmalcom28...Marta will be fine and much easier. Park at HE Holmes station and get off @ the Dome exit, go up the stairs to the left when you get off the train and you are steps from the dome. When you see someone say a certain lot is only $10 be careful. That totally depends on what event is in down and how in demand parking is. A lot may be $10 for the Wiggles concert but $50 for the Monster Truck show. Have fun, Marta will be fine.
  8. I have a friend who has been out of work for a good while now and recently had the repo man pay him a visit and now doesn't have any transportation. If he does get a job, he is going to have tranportation issues every day. I'm in a position where and I can help him so I'm trying very hard to find him a dependable car for around $750 to $1200. If any of you guys know of anything please let me know. I feel bad for him as he has had a very rough year and I'd like to help him get 2010 started a little better.
  9. Yes! Without Oregon trail I think I would have dropped out in the 3rd grade!
  10. I know many of you have asked if I had the doors locked on my car.......the answer is no. Some people may call it dumb but I've never felt the need to lock the doors to my car when it's sitting 5 feet from my house. After talking w/ some neighbors we thing the getaway car MAY HAVE been a Silver or White Mustang (late 90s bodystyle) w/ a spoiler and loud exhause. You may want to keep an eye out if you see a car matching that description in your neighborhood and it is not a farmiliar car. And for those that didn't hear the Shell station @ Ridge Rd. and Cohran Store Rd. was robbed last ni
  11. Check into this place........it is nice and the location is unreal. My wife and I stayed here in April of this year. It is right next door to Carnagie Hall and when you look out the window you see Time Square to the left and Central Park to the right. Anywhere you stay in NYC is expensive but this place is a a great value for the location. I hope it helps.
  12. My neighbor that actually saw them and ran them off had already called the police. I didn't post on PCom until the officer had already came and gone. Really sad isn't it.
  13. I live off Winn Rd. right by South Paulding High School and my car and my neighbor's car were just broken into by 2 black males. 1 had white skull cap, black hoodie, and jeans. The other had black hoodie and black pants. They were picked up by a small 2 door car light in color. The stole stuff from my car why me and my family were asleep in the house. This makes me so mad...if anyone has any info PM me.
  14. No, if he comes back as a lobbyist doesn't that mean he gets to sleep w/ the new speaker?
  15. I'm shocked that MCMM hasn't came in here and got onto you guys for talking abou this. This is between the mother and the kid (and the jailed baby daddy). Not for you guys to discuss....they need privacy. (removing tongue from cheek)
  16. I agree 100% that it is all sad. Especially for Tiger's wife, children, mother, etc. It just seems sometimes people get a free pass as the attention it deflected from what really happened. Especially if someone is a fan of a celeb, athlete, or politician that no matter what they do their fans/supporters just put blinders on and ignore it or try to blame someone else. It is sad that people that have so many supportes (I.E. Tiger Woods, Johnathan Babinaux, Glen Richardson, etc) paint themselves to be one thing..........then let so many supporters down then the truth is uncovered.
  17. I don't disagree w/ that........but does the media coverage effect you and your family? My point is which is worse.....him banging multiple women and cheating on his wife and kids for the media covering it? I'm curious which you think is worse?
  18. The media is sticking thier nose in his buisiness which they get paid to do. Tiger is sticking his "putter" in 7 different women while his wife and children are at home.....which is worse? Hmmmmm?
  19. Man, that was real hard to talk a woman into going to the mall.....had to twist your arm and everything.
  20. Amen! Does anything hurt worse than a hot whell to the ball of the foot????
  21. Yea...too brilliant. My son brings transformers to me so I can "fix them" for him. When I hand it back to him it is in worse shape than it was when he handed it to me.
  22. I always hear that Bert and Ernie were like this.........but Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Elmo too? These dolls won't be "coming out of the closet" in my kids rooms.
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