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Everything posted by dumbestgirlintheworld

  1. We still don't have an explanation on the lace front.
  2. Kiva is super cool idea!! I've never seen that before, more international. I don't think it would fit for this group, but I might look to do it personally. Do you do it? If so, are your "loans" tax deductible? I love the fellowship program. Thank you, I will definitely be looking into this one more.
  3. It's a wig. I don't know why it's "bad", though. Or at least that's what I think it is...there's a salon that I used to pass on the way to work that advertised them.
  4. Thanks all. I got roped into a book club. Looks like Shades of Grey. Blah.
  5. I love adding to my urban vocabulary. I had trifflin', occasionally use HEFFA, but ratchet was new to me. I can totally rock this in future conversations. From urban dictionary: A madam of the nasty ghetto species, dressed in an ensemble of cheetah print leggings and a leotard, not to mention the thong 4 sizes too small beneath these items. On top of her head is generally perched a purple weave, often resembling shredded plastic.
  6. Habitat has 2 ways to volunteer, but the one in Atlanta with any opening costs $10K. We are not immediately able to use corporate funds. The latter is a great idea, but it's more of a business model. Helping people start a business for profit shouldn't be the job of a non-profit organization.
  7. I bet you have nail art, don't you?
  8. I think we're just calling a spade a spade. Own your behavior, boo boo.
  9. Found this cool piece of history! http://mountainpark.georgia.gov/05/article/0,2680,8343247_7355477_25397161,00.html
  10. Dont PM with crap. This woman is an idiot. I'll still vote for her husband, but she's an embarrassment to women. At a minimum, can we trade in some of her hair and makeup people and get her an advisor and a speaking coach?
  11. I'm tempted to go through my myriad of photos and show you all my nappy friends, both black and white. Since you're so familiar with the hairstyle, you should know that napping is nothing more than a term to describe the treatment resulting in dreads. It's also a dreadhead hair care line. I love the wooks!
  12. Ann Romney alluded to the fact that not all women can stay at home saying, “I love the fact that there are women out there who don’t have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too. And sometimes life isn’t easy for any of us.” http://thinkprogress.org/special/2012/04/24/469896/ann-romney-women-work/?mobile=nc What an absolute idiot.
  13. I don't care what color you, or anyone else is. I've just seen you thrash people on here for being "racist" and my hypocrite radar went off with your post.
  14. Not to split nappy hairs, but you would have thrown the race card if certain others had used that descriptor. The white ones are on Phish tour, sweets.
  15. If I had posted this, it would be racial profiling. Just saying. "and the reason I know it was the same guy is because he had long dreads. "
  16. UUMAN is a universal unitarian community. http://www.uuman.org/ You can call it a church, but it's really just hippies and LGBT that don't follow organized religion but believe in a higher something. I'm really just trying to think of low cost, as I'm guessing that 4 kids could get very expensive. Brunswick always has coupons, Yellow River game ranch has $1 days and now that you have a lake house, I'd just pack up and spent the summer there.
  17. Lake Clair isn't a lake, per se. http://lcclt.org/
  18. Through absolute divine intervention, we have found the area of our dreams! The story is so weird, I had to share. I currently live in the ghettos of Cobb and my job relocated to Alpharetta, sick of the commute we decided to move. Searching rental properties, we came across a listing in Mountain Park. I’ve never been there, but it was in Roswell, just a few minutes from work. We drove across a bridge and into another world. A pristine area with natural resources and serene lakes. Pulling into the wrong drive, we met a man that happens to love soccer – my husband is from England – anyways,
  19. Lake Clair? Map out the state parks and hit one or 2 a week? There might be some events through UUMAN that would interest you?
  20. I have organized a group of volunteers to give back to charities in need of assistance. Do you have a worthy cause that could use 12-20 able bodies at any given time? Please let me know and I will reach out to them to see what they're needs are and how we can help. We will also, in time, being looking for ways to give back at a business level. This could include marketing, accounting and technical services. We're calling that project "Labor of Love" and I will be creating a program to allow our group to match their varied professional skills and available time allowances to appropriate
  21. Rathbuns is good...but I think he's at risk for going down the proverbial novice foodie tubes. He's opening a steak bar. A STEAK BAR. I hate it when greed ruins good food.
  22. Capital Grille - Atlanta Witherspoon Grille - Princeton, NJ Orizontes - Athens Greece Fox Bros BBQ - Decatur Chart House - Boston And...I love me some Weaver D's!
  23. Warning: Jazz Fest may steal your soul. There was a stripper, lots of alcohol, several instruments, a stolen car, and a trip in an ambulance. I love NOLA.
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