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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. I don't need to "chill" you don't need to be doggin my boys at Paulding, and my boys at South. You see you and a couple of others insulted my son, and the sons of my friends. Truth be told I have friends whose kids play for all the Paulding teams. So just don't be doggin my boys.
  2. I don't think he was referencing any of your post. His stood on it's own, and had nothing to do with anything you stated. However I do take offence at yours and a few others references to South Paulding, and Paulding. You and a couple of others seem to be surprised that both programs, not only have improved (and will continue to do so) but are also quality programs. Do you not think that maybe just maybe our boys have just as much drive, and ambition (maybe more, after all we are from the "poor" side of town) as any other boys? You do understand that this is the first year that there are
  3. Why don't you just get the agitator fixed? I can send you my repair guys info if you like.
  4. Wait.....you mean to tell me that the school didn't pay for this??? Really, the school doesn't buy the uniforms for the players?? Are you telling me that the reason there are no books, and school supplies isn't because the school gives all the money to the football program??? Say it isn't so. Your going to break the illusions of a lot of the anti football people here. On topic though, something stinks.
  5. I know. Get us back to where a gallon of gas is less then 2.00, and a gallon of milk is less then 1.89 then I might have something to be excited about. Sad that some try to spin normal price drops as a miraculous thing by someone who has little to no influence on the gas prices.
  6. LOL, I did have someone ask me if election day is Nov 6th. I was soooooooo tempted to answer yes. especially since we were talking about an appointment for Nov 4th. And, I stated "oh y'all are open on election day." yes, this was a gooberment facility.
  7. For those that want to get their treat on early, or will be at football games on Friday, this sounds like fun.
  8. However did you keep from laughing????
  9. That is a good question. Maybe they called it child support when it was supposed to be spousal support.....
  10. For me there are a couple of good things. 1. 15yr old won't want to go TT this year. 2. We'll be at the football game, and will get home to late. 3. We don't have any TT anyway. Y'all have fun.
  11. And this is what I posted in responce to ^^. Sounds like EP has a lot of bleacher coaches this year. Just sayin.
  12. Ah, heck it's election season. Prices fall in the fall. Funny how it's just one generation that gets excited over 2.89 gas, when one generation before got excited over 1.19 gas. Color me not excited and not impressed.
  13. Well guys ask for it all the time, why not??? In general I think child support should have strings attached that the custodial parent has to abide by. 1. Prove that they are not using it as ransom. You know "you have to pay to see the kid." 2. They are spending it on the kid. Housing, food, clothing, school stuff. You get the idea. 3. The kid is in fact attending school. That's just a couple of things. I'm sure if I thought about it I could come up with more. Keeping in mind that there is never a one size fits all approach, but there should be starting points.
  14. Nope Thursday is out too. Some of us have 9th graders, and JV players that have games too.
  15. No need for hand wringing. Guess the kidlets will be Trick or Treating on October 31st this year.
  16. Damn right they won fair and square. I was at the Paulding game, and our boys played so well. EP came into that game with an "oh easy win, we don't need to be ready for them" attitude, and it showed. It also showed at the 9th grade and JV level. Paulding swept all three teams. And, we are very proud of our boys. South is also a team that has made great strides, and will continue to improve.
  17. Don't know what happened. I wasn't at the game. But my PCHS friends kept me updated. Sad to report PC 20 New Manchester 34. The bright side is the team has already won more games this season then they have in the last 3 seasons.
  18. Thank you NJ. I don't know how to copy/paste links on my phone. In other words Pubby, and TP he had to answer ONLY the questions asked. He had to stay on topic (not that you would know about that TP.)
  19. Add that politifact found that commercial to be false, and therefore it is a lie. But, don't let that get in the way of propaganda.
  20. Yes, they are. And, they love to smile. Poodles are awesome (except for toys, they are weird.)
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