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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. The baits work. We were invaded a couple of months ago and I posted the same thing. It was suggested to get the bait traps. They worked!! Just make sure that your pets can't get them.
  2. Happened to a friend of mine yesterday. Guess it's time to stop 5 car lengths back.
  3. Something has been said on numerous occasions and in nice ways and not so nice ways.
  4. Troll/ atteintion whore both works. I say if you ingore it and answer enough other topics then maybe, just maybe somebody will get a clue. Isn't there an unspoken rule about that?
  5. There is a Recreation forum it is where all the sign ups for rec sports is listed. There is always someone in the PF and School vent that thinks it is all about them. No matter how many people tell them it's not.
  6. Yep, got the same call. Doesn't apply to us either.
  7. Only two people can start 15 post on the same topic in a 3 day span.
  8. Yep, we went, we saw, the boys got through warmups and then the bottom fell out. Oh well maybe tomorrow.
  9. NOOOOOOOooooo it needs to hold off till after 8:30. Football pratice starts tonite.
  10. Mine and my Dear son's favorite thing.
  11. I know the skeeters are bad down there. There used to be a truck that would come around and spray the neighborhood when I was a kid. Yea, I did wonder about the eariler thread. Didn't look like there was anything wrong with it.
  12. They can't make up their minds what is "obese" and what is normal. I just look at my kids and myself and laugh when told these things. You do know that DIET is a four letter word, right?
  13. If a bunch of crows is a murder and a bunch of horses/cows is a herd, then what is a bunch of squirrels?
  14. It's not just in GA. did you know that there are 2 Vietnams. I could almost under stand that if she were talking about the time when there was 2 Vietnams in a historical context. But, she's not.
  15. He will be addressing this tomorrow on his show.
  16. Don't worry about bursting that bubble. Our 9#10oz boy is indeed a linebacker. He is 10yrs old and a big boy. He is also pretty good at 3rd base and pitcher. Oh and he has a growth spurt every3-4 mos. seems they do grow faster.
  17. I had my first back in the 80's that's when they gave you good drugs and I slept through the labor. He was a whopping 7#4oz. My daughter that I had 5 years later was 9#8oz I had her aunatural. Child #3 they said his head was a little on the high end of the normal scale and they wanted to do all kinds of test. I asked if I needed to change hospitals because there was no way I was doing any of the test they wanted. He was born at 38 weeks. No inducing or anything. A 9#10oz healthy boy. Don't stress your self as long as ever thing is going along and your regular doctor is OK with everything
  18. OK I'm over my water bills being a certian amount and then jumping up one month a year. I would like to hook up our well but, I don't know how or how much it would cost. I don't even know how to go about doing this. Any one know how to do this?
  19. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/249042-splost-vote-coming-july-20/ There is also a poll that has info in it.
  20. Never used it anyway. The "sales" they ran were a bunch of crap anyway just like the "black friday sales."
  21. Ask surpip he is into ALL things european.
  22. The guy that plays Michael is hooooot
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