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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. Absolutely! It would be my pleasure, my email is kickthesand@bellsouth.net
  2. I too, had to bite the BULLET an few years back and I sell Auto Insurance! I was/am THANKFUL that I represent most of the carriers as I was FLABBERGASTED on how the premiums FLUCTUATED so DRASTICALLY!!! :shok: Trace, Please before you purchase a vehicle call your Insurance Agent and have them/him/ME do a few different scenarios with different types of vehicles.... those vary drastically too!!!! I keep a OBD reader for vehicles 96 and newer if you would like to borrow it!
  3. Folk's, in addition to having the LOWEST Rates for the BEST Coverage on AUTO, HOME, BUSINESS INSURANCE!!! We also have in my opinion, the BEST Dental Plan!!! (Dollar for Dollar that I've been able to find) Here is the link for a FREE AUTO,HOME, BUSINESS INSURANCE! http://www.callcurtistoday.com I have enclosed the link for Dental, Have a BLESSED DAY! http://www.less4dental.com
  4. You are MOST Welcome! (make sure you give me time to pack!)
  5. Thad, glad to see your Dinner Thread! I had chicken noodles soup from a local Chinese rest. (plural on purpose... that is how it is on their menu) allergies are wreaking havoc at least I hope it is allergies and not a cold coming on. But that Chicken Noodles Soup really knocks out the sniffles! Now I am craving CUBAN for lunch!
  6. I have a friend who is a Teacher and I need a few chicken feet, claws like YESTERDAY! I am being serious and hope a fellow pcommer can HELP! Please call or text if you can help. Curt 770-833-2175 cell/text
  7. sent you a message if you did not get it call or text me :good:
  8. Yes, Ray "BIG BOSSMAN" Traylor is being inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame! http://www.wwe.com/shows/wwe-hall-fame/article/big-boss-man-inducted-wwe-hall-fame-class-2016?sf22110883=1
  9. Schools will be CLOSED Tomorrow!!! :) (Don't Forget to VOTE)
  10. will continue to lift this man and family up in prayer
  11. This breaks my HEART and will say prayers for EVERYONE involved..
  12. have yet to go there.... I did however, go to that that chickenbaby place behind the CHECk drive-thru as I was told that they were of the family of that Johnny in Powder Springs and had their BBQ plate and Brunswick Stew this evening for dinner... either I was Hungry or it was G D!!! was that encrypted enough?!?!?!
  13. Laurie, as I type this tears are rolling down my face as I pray for you, your Dad and Family. I wish I had the answers to give you... people handle things differently This Valetine's Day will be 3 years since my Father passed away. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. You are a GREAT DAUGHTER and will know what to do, just follow your HEART you have a good one! I wish I could be more help.... know that I will be praying for God's will in this situation for you, your Father and Family (((((( HUGS )))))) Love You :wub:
  14. Me too I enjoyed giggin with you on "Hell Freezes Over" and Miami Vice You are now at peace and no pain. R.I.P. my friend
  15. Look up! A rare celestial show this week will see FIVE planets line up in the pre-dawn sky Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible at the same time This is first time such a planetary alignment has happened since 2005 All 5 planets will can be seen before dawn at 6.50am ET on Wednesday They will be visible each day before dawn through February 20 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3405679/Look-rare-celestial-week-FIVE-planets-line-pre-dawn-sky.html#ixzz3xeIUdAMT Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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