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Everything posted by SushiBoofay

  1. Do some research on apple cider vinegar. I'm not sure about giving it to them to drink (you put a couple of tsp. in their water), but you can dilute it with water and spray it on them. Haven't tried it yet for fleas, but it does work great on hot spots! (Diluted with water for that too!)
  2. Please note that if your cat somehow gets outside and gets lost - it will not be able to defend itself. I've also heard that is feels the same for a cat as a human would feel if they lost all their fingers. There are other alternatives - please research!
  3. I went into the one that was briefly open in Dallas and no one even acknowledged I was in there. While I was in there two other potential customers came in and they were never acknowledged either. One of them asked ME for help....the person that was running it that day --- was too busy talking to another woman. All three of us left within minutes of each other --- it really didn't surprise me when it closed.
  4. I forwarded your comments to Patricia Isn't she just the greatest!? ssshhhh....I'm a Sisters In Crime member with her!
  5. I didn't catch the original post long ago when everything happened. I just kept seeing "update on Ashton" here and there until one day I opened a thread and read it. I then had to backtrack to find out what had happned and when that was done --- I looked forward to hearing all the positive reports on how Ashton was doing even though I knew he had a long journey ahead of him.... I had a bad feeling when I saw the name tonight though...I didn't know the last name....but my stomach knotted when I saw the name Ashton and my heart broke when I saw it was indeed him. Prayers going up for t
  6. No opinion on the cartoon itself, but I thought it was strange the guy commenting on the story --- had the last name Jealous. Now THAT is strange.
  7. Pets Agree "Playful Playthings For Pets And Their People"
  8. ROFLO....We always want what we don't have! I would gladly trade my straight hair for curly hair. I can use a curling iron on it and a ton of hair spray and by the end of the day --- it is back to straight...
  9. Ooh - I like this one! AND....you can sell them on etsy too! www.etsy.com!!!! and.... Bonanzle....(no fees unless it sells!) --- and if you decide you want to become a Bonanzle member --- let me know and I will send you an invite!!!! www.bonanzle.com
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