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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I'm fairly certain that they require a jacket...you might want to call and ask, because nothing sucks worse than having to wear one from the restraunt!


    I know they didn't the other day... But, that was lunch for dinner they might require one? Other than that....I'd wear what I wear to work.

  2. Jack's an Outlaw sandwich at the New Yorker Deli on Atlanta Road. MMMMMMMMMMMMFrom the menu description. A perfect combination of a New York style cheesesteak with pepperoni, salami, onion, peppercini pepper, and loads of Texas Pete hotsauce on a 10" hero roll covered with provolone cheese. Served with pasta salad.http://www.thenydeli.com/
    i noticed this place the other day....but can't remember exactly where it is??
    you can order online, pick the time to pick it up, and they will have it ready. that is what I do. Or if I get lucky, someone will order with me and I can have it delivered! I do all of this online!
    Yea...but even doing that the last few times has been a pain. We had clients in the office and I had someone order lunch for all of us and it didn't show up for 2 hours and then when it finally did show up.....it was all wrong. Either way....it is a good place to eat when they get it right.
  3. how can you "forget" Jason's deli! 50 lashes witha wet noodle for you!

    Well...maybe I shouldn't say I forget...b/c everyonce in a while I think of it...but then I have these terrible flash backs...of people, lots of people ...People everywhere, I takes forever to get in there at lunch time. So really...I remember and then I forget again. :p If it didn't take so long I'd eat there everyday....I'm right at Paces Ferry.

  4. He will need everthing donated this first time,

    So it will be up to donators how nice things can be packaged.

    We are working hard to get him enough capital to be independant.

    We could donate baskets and wrapping, Boxes and tins with fall motiff,

    We ladies no whats up with all this we can make it happen,


    Decorated jars would be cool also he makes homemade rock candy!

    I waiting on a list of all of the things he plans to make and what he needs to make them. He has to come up with something for all ages. DTLANGLY....what are you gonna make??

    Ingredient list??

  5. Good, I was wondering about them. I can't imagine having to tell my child...NO, you made your bed now lie in it. BUT...if the grandchildren were taken care of, I had been used and abused over and over again...I do THINK...that I would tell her one of 2 things. No you are not moving in with me, you go figure things out call 911 in case of an emergency.


    sure, YOU can move in with me. No dogs, No boyfriends, NO ONE EXCEPT FOR YOU ( and the children). You will get up and go to work, you will pay rent, you will go to school after work and you will care for your children like a mother should. my door is not revolving, you will not stay out all hours of the night. You will follow the rules of my house, or you will not live here.


    I don't care if my adult child is 40...if she is acting like a child I will treat her like one.


    I would think long and hard about ruining my life b/c my GROWN child is a liar.

    Just my .02



    I withdraw my opinion if other children are being harmed. Best wishes to you, I hope that your huband continues to make the right choice.

  6. About the grandbabies: They are with their father. He was also a high school drop out but got his GED and joined the army. He came to get them a couple of weeks ago and they seemed much happier with him. Laughing, playing, clean...more like a 2 and 4 year old should be.

    Good, I was wondering about them. I can't imagine having to tell my child...NO, you made your bed now lie in it. BUT...if the grandchildren were taken care of, I had been used and abused over and over again...I do THINK...that I would tell her one of 2 things. No you are not moving in with me, you go figure things out call 911 in case of an emergency.


    sure, YOU can move in with me. No dogs, No boyfriends, NO ONE EXCEPT FOR YOU ( and the children). You will get up and go to work, you will pay rent, you will go to school after work and you will care for your children like a mother should. my door is not revolving, you will not stay out all hours of the night. You will follow the rules of my house, or you will not live here.


    I don't care if my adult child is 40...if she is acting like a child I will treat her like one.


    I would think long and hard about ruining my life b/c my GROWN child is a liar.



    Just my .02

  7. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...=115513&hl=


    Single male has a quite country 3 bedroom home to share with other single person.


    Home is located in E Paulding County in Dallas. Located behind the new Wal-Mart on 120 and N92


    Room is furnished with bed and dresser.


    Rent is $450.00 a month and 1/2 utilities


    Please email Thomas at dtlangley@gmail.com or call 770-445-7718. Room is available now.


    Thanks....I'm a bonehead I should have looked there.

  8. I believe so I will have to look
    Ok I would be really greatful if you would!!! :D


    btw...I was having PM trouble, that is why I called for you!

  9. lost your tweezers........?


    Yep I had the same ones for 3 years and now...I can't keep tweezers to save my soul. BUT....you left me a book, it had a set in it with tweezers and some other stuff??? Do you know what I'm talking about????

  10. I live with the biggest FSU fan, football means I get ignored yes, but I also have a reason to shop, WOOHOO!

    And....if my man is sitting home on the couch rather than roaming the streets, it's all good in our hood, he can have his football.


    hey I suppose that is a great way to look at it! Arbor place here I come...It's football season!! WOOHOOO

  11. Want to meet me somewhere? or I can come by?
    Lisa...you are just tooo kind. I am going to go and get it after work today, along with about a billion other things I have to get and then I could meet up with you, bring it to your house, whatever.
    I don't know where Brownsville Rd is, but I will be going to Sam's later today - I could meet you if you'd like. Otherwise, I'm sure someone is closer - or knows where Brownsville is ---
    What time are ya going...or have you already been??
  12. My house is next to PS and it's in the ghetto. But it's a very nice house in a very nice subdivision. Now that we've gotten that out of the way...and the apology...and the explination....and the retraction.... :p Just a touch of levity folks. We all know that this is a sad situation. Honestly, the lack of information makes me think that the cops probably have a lot of information. I have a feeling that we're going to hear a lot more on this incident this evening.


    Yes in the evening and the days to come I agree.

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