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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. Well you would be driving 10 miles off 41 to get home -- where off 41 is your work?


    My SO is near Kennestone and I am near Paces Ferry...I think I need to just get over that house and move on....I guess our agent lied when she said it was 2 minutes from 41....HA

  2. Thanks...everyone. I do mean 41. I know where Burt Road is.. off of Braswell mt which is off of 61....I just need to be able to get to work (41). Right now I travel 20 miles one way which I consider to be pretty good. I don't want to do much more than that! Thanks for your help.

  3. I don't give a crap if your 37 as long as you are in costume...I hate the little brats that come to my house with their normal clothes and a pillow case...last year I made a kid put his pillow case over his head and say BOOOOO before I gave him candy..HAHAHA I crack me up.


    My reply from a previous topic related to Halloween! Age really doesn't matter have a blast!


    ETA....I obviously don't know how to work the quote feature.....

  4. A few years ago, it fell on a Sunday. Kids were coming to the door Saturday night. I told them, sorry come back tomorrow. I don't think it's right to decide you're going to change a holiday for everyone just because it effects your own personal beliefs or schedule. It is .. what it is .. if you don't like it .. then don't go.


    TEATIME....I think I like you!


    Rotti...I get what your saying now! I hope that you are able to work it out. Single mom's don't get enough credit!!

  5. What do you do if you have 3 kids......AND class on Oct 31st :unsure: I have one class that I am taking this semester and it is on Wed nights....I don't get home until after 9 which is the kids bedtime.....I can't miss class.....I am a single mama.....now what ???? Geeeezzzzz..life is soooo complicated sometime...you think that they would cancel class that night (or reshedule it) Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.........


    What would you do??


    I suppose it depends on how old your children are...miss trick or treating or miss your class...go later, leave class early ...have a family member or friend take the kids...or just take them to a local church event. You are stuck in a tight spot...good luck

  6. I go with my mom...we wake up early and eat breakfast, hit a few stores and then eat lunch...hit a few more and then eat dinner. my step dad and my SO hate the same foods and me and my mom love the same foods....so we get to eat what we really like..Its all about the food and the time we spend together. I must say....people please don't bring your kids...they get in my way and if they are screaming you should take them home change their diapers feed them and put them back to bed! I don 't want to listen to it!

  7. I just don't get it.....Christmas day is Christmas day....Halloween is Halloween....if you don't want to stay up on a weeknight....take your children to a weekend church event. The whole sunday thing drives me nuts too...my Aunts excuse is that Halloween is the devils holiday and she won't allow her children to celebrate the devil on a Sunday.... :huh: So you'll let them celebrate the Devil on a Saturday but not Sunday.... :wacko: :blink: :rolleyes:


    Anyway.... this whole issue makes me crazy

  8. It has become very popular in the high schools for people to drop and and do "home school" the unfortunate part is that these kids aren't getting an education...they are screwing around. My brother went to school with several girls like this...I wish to home school my children when I have them...I have nothing but respect for those of you that really home school your children!


    Back to naked chicks... :p

  9. I love the Dammit Doll...I think I might just make a few of those. I'm doing the cake in a jar for extended family, the one that you actually bake in the jar. I'll also decorate the jar! I can't wait to see how it works out.

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