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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I am told it takes 2 days minimum (unless they can go pick it up) and a week maximum. Side note: Would you say that if a place has indicated that they are doing a background check on you, that their plan is to offer you the job?This is why the 4 day work week appeals so much to me.


    I loved it when I worked 4 days. I could take care of everything on my off day, very rarely had to miss work.

    In my current job the money and benefits are great, I love my job.

  2. This made me thnk what age is too old. I know that the responses will be different. But here is my scene. My yougest and middle child are 9 years apart. So the middle one (now 17) has always dressed up and went trick or treating with us. So does it bother anyone that a 17 year old is trick or treating. He hates to give it up and he has so much fun. always in costume though.


    I don't give a crap if your 37 as long as you are in costume...I hate the little brats that come to my house with their normal clothes and a pillow case...last year I made a kid put his pillow case over his head and say BOOOOO before I gave him candy..HAHAHA I crack me up.

  3. I kept talking to him with him occasionally going blank stare on me and I thought, "don't you die on me"...Comcast guy came over to help calm the young girl because she was still hysterical and sitting with a very calm baby...we wouldn't let her come over and see her Husband...I just kept reassuring her that he was ok...I heard sirens shortly and the EMT's arrived withing moments although it seemed like an eternity...the response time was awesome...when I got up to let the EMT's take over, I saw that the Fire Dept and Paulding Co. Sheriff Deputies were there as well...I told the EMT's that he had apparently been thrown from the car when it flipped so I didn't know what all may be wrong with him, but informed them of his obvious head injuries as well as his name that he had given me...I went and sat with the Mother in an attempt to calm her down some...I took the baby again from her so that the EMT's could address her injuries...they pust her and her Husband on stretchers in seperate ambulances...I heard a helicopter, but thought it was news crew or something...found out later that it was lifeflight that had been requested to meet the ambulance at Paulding Co. High School...


    What about the baby???

  4. Dont know if anyone said it b/f I was to lazy to read..........but Scarlett Indulgence does great baskets :D

    Yes thats what I was going to say I had one made and it was great. They enjoyed everything in it. (they being the couple I bought it for) It was soo cool I wanted to keep it for myself.


    You can always add to the basket too, it dosn't just have to be SI products...throw in a Home Depot gift card or something!

  5. I love Halloween, besides Christmas this is my favorite Holiday. :wub:


    Me too...I just love Halloween it was always such a fun time when I was younger.


    Oh...and hobby lobby has tonssss of Christmas stuff out already. It is crazy it's been there for over a month now.

  6. Sunday he looked at me and said. . . "Go to your mom's, I've got the kids you go and have a nice visit, see ya tomorrow" - Now for those who don't know my mom is about 2 1/2 hours away. At first I didn't believe my hubby and kept saying "Are you sure :blink: " And he just kept on with the "yes I'm sure now go before they (the children) realize where you are going." So I did - but I felt guilty - here it is Labor Day weekend and I'm leaving my family to go visit my mom and the kids are gonna freak cause grandma has a pool and they so want to go swimming, but then I heard the voice of Mama C (Cerridwen for those who don't know her as mama C). I could hear her say - You deserve a day at your mom's, If your husband didn't want you to do he wouldn't have mentioned it, go be Happy!! I had the BEST time. Although when I got to my mom's house she wasn't there so I snuck in and called her cell from her house number. She answered and I said " So where are you?" and she just says "well I'm at Walgreens - how are y- Wait is this Jen, WHAT ARE YOU DOING CALLING FROM MY HOUSE!!!" Then when she asks about the kids and I say I didn't bring them she says - "Why'd ya come down for?" (Can ya feel the love folks?) When she finally saw me she apologized profusely for that one! I had a great time hanging with my mom, sis, and brothers. It was really neat to just get to be a kid again and not have to worry about my own children.


    Anyway I just want to say - I HAVE THE BEST HUSBAND AROUND! (oh and he washed ALL the clothes this weekend :o ) Yes he really is wonderful :wub:


    Are you interested in renting him out by the hour?? :) Glad you had a good weekend! Mom's never get a break...I'm sure you deserve it!

  7. Same boat here as all of y'all! :wacko:


    VP called in and told me not to stay all day. Wonder if that means I should call it a day......NOW! :D :p Think I will~


    Y'all have a safe and relaxing Labor Day Weekend....


    Fly...out B)


    Fly sucks! J/k i'm only angry b/c you get to leave.

  8. Same here, by myself, and just shot my soon-to-be-ex boss an email telling her that the phone has not rang since noon. We'll see if she replies from her condo on the beach telling me to go on home. :p


    All I can say is thank GOD for p.com!!!!


    I know I'd actually have to work if there was no P.com... :lol:

  9. It's 3:30, you shouldn't have that much longer to go. It probably seems long b/c you are looking forward to your 3 day weekend. Hang in there, just a little bit more to go.


    4:30...ahh I know it is b/c of the weekend. I have to study all weekend though, what fun is that?

  10. It's friday I am in the office alone....the phone isn't ringing....I'm not doing any work b/c I would prefer to p.com all day....and I want to go home. Is this day lasting forever for anyone else? I just know my boss is going to call and say go home early...I just don't know when he is going to call! :wacko:


    ETA: I guess so...b/c there is already a topic about this...SORRY

  11. Thanks to Myrootsareplanted ;) , I have an interview on Thursday!


    And I have another one on Friday!! :)


    I'm so excited. I was bummed yesterday, but today is lookin' much brighter!! :D


    You are the best candidate so far. I've enjoyed reading people's resumes and listening to their voice messages though...we had a guy leave a message that said. I'm calling about the umm position or whatever and I just wanted to see what was up with that....Needless to say, he didn't get a call back

  12. OJ is a whole different ballgame, if you don't think he was guilty you have your head in the sand. I think the "bloodthirsty folks" around here are right in their judgements. He is a sick man. Is it not true that Jeffrey Dalmers in the world start off by torturing animals?

    Yep Yep Yep

  13. Have you ever known anyone who has went to prison? I have and alot of them have found Jesus and stick with it. I even known a few who have become preachers. All of you act like no one else commits crimes. Didnt he only plead gulity to one of the charges? I mean really, look at Ray Lewis accused of MURDER and i bet you people thought nothing more of that. Yes he should and will be punished but for God sakes he did not rape someone, commit child molestation or murder. It has been said on here before seems like dogs are put in front of humans. People are not perfect and i can say i bet no one on here is. This man is guilty but i believe he has learned and will come out a better person and keep better company. DO people not deserve and 2nd chance? I dont condone dog fighting, there are thousands of other people who do this along with cock fighting, and you never here a word about them.


    First...I would bet that Vick sat around with his attorney coming up with something swell to say and one of them said hey...say something about Jesus.

    Second...nope I haven't ever known anyone that has gone to prison, I don't keep that type of company.

    Third....People do come before dogs

    Fourth...just b/c I don't hear about dog or cock fighting by others...doesn't make it ok. It still sucks either way.

    Come and play with my dogs...then imagine people drowning them, hanging them, shooting them, shocking them or even worse just leaving them to die an even slower and more painful death and then you will understand where I am coming from. Vick is well known...if he murdered someone, raped someone or abused a child...I'd feel the same way. I'd want him to pay the price for his actions.

  14. Makes me glad I don't have progressive as my insurance company :)


    Heck, this would almost be enough to convince me to drop them if I had them.



    Oh...great now I have to click the link. Why do I always think I can understand whats going on without clicking it anyway?? :wacko:

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