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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I have this really good friend that is getting married. We've been friends forever and I know her better than I know myself at times, so when it came to getting her a gift I knew what I wanted. Now, I wasn't so sure of how to get it all into one package.... So I contacted our own Scarlet Indulgence. I gave them an idea of what I was looking for, I wanted to give my friend and her new husband something that was relaxing. I wanted to give them something useful. They took my ideas and made it into something WONDERFUL.

    From now on...I don't have to go through all of the stress of picking out a gift, I know that I can get a great package from Scarlet Indulgence. For Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, Baby showers.... just about any Holiday. I can count on them to have the best possible gift. They did a great job on my package, they went above and beyond my expectations and I really can't wait to get some stuff for myself. They were so accommodating AND I got to pay online...which makes life EASY!!


    I just wanted everyone to know how happy I am with my gift from Scarlet Indulgence!! Keep then in mind next time you need a GREAT gift!!!


    I hope that Scarlet will get on and see this and hopefully post a picture, as I don't know how to post one!


  2. I was on my way to work this morning and happened to remember that there is a fruit / produce stand on Main Street in Acworth now, so I pulled in and went in. They had yellow watermelon. Seedless. For $4.00 each. I bought 2!!!!


    Yummy! I know what we're having after dinner tonight!



    If you want to get one on the weekend....Ok I suck at directions but I'm going to try.....

    If you are on Brownsville Road headed toward downton Powder Springs, go right over the railroad tracks and then keep straght to the second light (at the BP and Dairy Queen) turn right and there is a fruit stand a little ways down on the left. Cash only, but he is just so sweet and I love to stop there. Just thought I'd let you know, it may be closer than Acworth and they are there everyday.

  3. Our favorite shows.......


    Deadliest Catch (love Mike Rowe's voice)

    Ice Road Truckers

    Dirty Jobs..... (get to watch Mike Rowe speak in his voice.... you know he used to be an opera singer???)


    Also..... Mythbusters.


    We watch all of the above. We enjoy having shows that we can watch together. It's not like it is made for one Gender or the other.

  4. HAPPY FRIDAY everyone...I'm starting to feel like this week will never end...I'll be knocking down the doors at 4:29 to get out of here!!

  5. we're not allowed to wear fragrances or scented lotion to work

    Same here, however we do all agree that we should wear some DO for our BO :) Some people think that perfume can cover there stink...they don't realize that they still smell like @$$, just....fruity/flowery @$$.

  6. There is no second hand smoke with this device, so should it be legal and available to all?

    Do you think it's odd that a manufacturer of respirators is looking for a way to keep people addicted to nicotine?


    Well if I still want to smoke and you don't want the harm of second hand smoke, I guess it makes since, it is better for both of us. I do however believe that for a lot of people myself included, smoking is more of an oral fixation than anything. What can I say I like to have something in my mouth??? :wacko:

  7. That was because of that one topic about the new laws. I don't think I'm trashy.

    Oh, I see. I just thought you were KOO-KOO! It's so awesome that you have decided to quit, I wish you the best come back and let us know how the shot is...

  8. I'm getting the stop smoking shot in the morning, and I'm nervous and excited. I'm excited cause now I won't be trashy, but I'm nervous because I don't want to get shot behind my ear, I hear it hurts, and I don't want to get fat. Has anyone gotten the shot before that can tell me if it does hurt or not?


    You're trashy b/c you smoke....I must have missed that memo, anyway congrats.

  9. My daughter is about to turn 10. She's really wanting a phone (although not really asking or begging or being a brat about it). Both of her girl cousins have one (ages 11 and 8), and have for a couple of years. Her best friend just got one (10 years old). She's not really asking me, but I can tell she really wishes she had one, just by the way she talks about it.


    Up til now, I've thought it was abso-freakin-lutely ridiculous that my nieces had one. :rolleyes: I thought it was a ridiculous indulgence (kinda like their ipods). Now I'm kinda halfway thinking that I might get her one for her b-day at the end of July. Maybe like a pre-paid, so she can't jack our bill up to $900 or something.


    Am I being too indulgent? Am I not teaching her how to not be frivilous and ridiculous if I get her a phone at age 10? Am I teaching her to be a spoiled brat? :unsure:


    If she was asking and begging me, I'd feel differently, I know. I wouldn't let her be a brat like that. But since she's not asking, and I can tell she reeeeeally wants one, I feel so bad.


    Just interested in some other outside opinions. :)


    I do see your point, about how she isn't begging but would really like to have one. My opinion is that it is sooo silly. When is your 10 year old ever without an adult or a telephone? Do you take her to the movies and leave her alone or to the mall and drop her off? If no then why does she need it?

    On the other hand....my niece is 8 and she has one...it is so silly....BUT she uses it to send us (family members) text messages that say silly stuff. She uses it to store little notes and birthdays. She got the phone from her dad (<-----bonehead) It is a prepaid phone so she earns minutes as a reward for good behavior and for finishing her daily tasks. It is good and bad, I think all is well as long as you remember that you are Mom, you bought the phone, and you can take it away!! good luck!

  10. How do you want to be buried? Cremated? Put in a mausoleum? Have a big ole Alabama torch ducked taped to you and send you sailing ==toward== the moon? (With Alabama rigging you might get as far as Bremen but HEY you took that first big step!) ::slaps self on back:: woooyaa!!


    or seriously, why and what are your plans if you have time to make them.


    I have been handling all of my brother's arrangements with my SIL and as you all know she is sick too. So there is a surreality about it that has gotten me on the band wagon. I have offered to make my arrangements with my SIL when she makes hers. Ours will be very different but made together. She's little Miss Traditional and I am all for cremation with a few unique twist. :o


    Sometimes we think traditional is the only way to go. But in learning about other people's traditions and beliefs I am always inspired --- ok and a little weirded out sometimes too! :lol:


    Tell what you want and why!! Any and all thoughts and conversations welcomed on this subject. I am not supersensitive just really wanting to have a discussion. :)


    I want to be cemated...and then when my husband dies, our children can stick us in a jar together and we can fool around...assuming that my life works out that way! :)


    At one point I thought being made into a ring might be cool...but what if someone went poopy and had to wipe and I had to be so close to their parts AKK. Gross! I'd rather fool around forever!

  11. Sorry to hear that, but also strange to be reading since I just took the first two days of my pre-licensing (insurance) classes on Monday and Tuesday. Life insurance is great to have but I am learning just how tricky it can be. Can one pre-pay for all burial expenses?

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