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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I know that I have talked about this in the past, but does it matter if they have them?


    Paulding Co. now states that all firemen with tattoos have to cover them up with long sleeve shirts. For 24 hrs even in the firehouse.


    Some left yesterday to fight the fire in South Georgia. Do you think people down there care what is on their body?


    I am not talking about vulgar tattoos. And I am not talking about new hire. Some of these guys have been with the department for years.




    how crazy....They are there to do a job, a very important one. I don't care if they have nails sticking out of their eyeballs as long as they can put the fire out. To much attention is paid to things that don't really matter!

  2. Oh, far be it from me to NOT have an opinion (write a book time)...


    If people would stop worrying about what TYPE of American they are (African, Irish, Asian, etc) and just live in the here and now and identify themselves as just plain old "AMERICAN" it would be a better place. But people like labels too much.


    I'm extremely literal with my wording, though. If you are black and were born here in the United States, I refuse to call you an African-American. If however, you were actually born IN Africa and moved here at some point in your life, have applied for or have received citizenship, then I will call you African-American because you were quite literally born in Africa and then became an American later. Likewise with Latin, Asian, etc. Born there, come here, then you earn the "tag" - born here, sorry, you're "just" an American. My mother was half Cherokee and my Dad was half Iroquois, but I still do not identify myself as "Native American" (even though they were here before anyone else). I wasn't born in a tent around Bison and Elk. I'm an American and that's it.



    Thank you Thank you Thank you....If you're born in america you're an american....

  3. Was it a prank or a drill? Going through drills is the only way to be prepared, to be able to act out of "second nature". Otherwise, you'll just go into shock and forget everything.

    There is no way for an 11 year old to be prepared for a shooting...for a fire maybe...for a shooting no. Sorry these people must be nuts! If that were my kid I'd have someones @$$.

  4. Are you kidding me?? anytime the word move comes out of my mouth, my friends already have plans to go a visit great uncle bob or this trip to the beach has come up....dang I'm out of luck if I need help moving a body... :blink:

  5. I think that would be really cool. My mom is always saying that she can't get all of us together to take pictures. On Mothers day we will already be together and my Grandmother could come also. Let us know what you decide.

  6. UGA is right. Rose was banned because he was gambling on games in which he played & coached.


    Vick may or may not have known about the dogs. Either way, it is not football related. Now the fan outrage may hurt tix sales & the franchise may then take action, but to say the NFL should take action is way wrong.


    My personal opinon is that Vick is not as great a QB as teh Falcons think or want him to be. Get rid of him. But that has nothing to do with the NFL action because of dogs.



    First let me say.....I have 2 pitbulls...I love them very much they are like my children. They seem to think they weigh only five pounds...they are my lap dogs (so they think) When I have a better job I will adopt more. I can't imagine the thought of someone treating my babies in such a way. Also let me add that I CAN'T stand Vick. I think he is a crappy player sort of Hit or miss...but surely not an all around good player. However, I do believe that if were to fight my dogs...I wouldn't be fired. Football and dogs are seperate issues.

  7. They Got Carried Away!!!!!

    No dear you don't understand what I mean...there should have been no getting carried away b/c the thought of seriously damaging something should have never come to mind. I'm trying really hard to understand your position, you should do the same for everyone else.

  8. everybody wants to do a senior prank......

    they do every year....but they got carried away

    BTW...This was not a prank paint + building=damage (not prank)


    A prank is hanging undies on the flag pole....not paint on a building nope...that's not a prank at all.

  9. Ok...as someone else pointed out....This is no longer about them, it's about the other students...the ones who give a crap. The Parents. Those of us trying to go to work or an important appointment which could not be easily rescheduled. This is about the police focusing on SH!# rather than real issues. (when I say real I am not implying that this was not important....however, it was a load of crap) These BOYS caused a whole lot of crap not just for their parents, not just for them selves....BUT FOR THE COUNTY....Sorry if they are punished for the crime(s)....Thats life...if I went and did this to my office building, as an adult, there would be no explination for my actions.....What is the difference. When are people going to let children - Kids- whatever you want to call them (IMHO Kids are in 5th grade not 11th or 12th) learn the tough way and stop trying to make excuses.

    In highschool I was far from perfect....but when I did screw up I had to pay the price.

  10. As another Health Insurance Nerd.....Just thought I would add that Kaiser has improved a lot lately and I have a close contact at Kaiser, an account rep, and she says that they will be moving forward and making additional changes in the near future. Good insurance just not the super powers that BCBS and Coventry are in GA. Just check with the Doc. and make sure that they except the exact plan that you plan to purchase. Also, a $0 deductible can be a huge waste of money unless you or your child have serious health problems and you will use the insurance often. If it is just for well visits and the ocassional illness than go with a higher deductible to save money on premium! Just my 2 cents....

    This is my first post hope it works. :)

  11. I think this is my first post...Just wanted to point out that fun doesn't have to include going anywhere look at the stars together, take a walk, buy a ball and glove...those things sound silly I know but the two of you will have something cheap and be able to spend quality time together.

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