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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. we had jaime78's baby shower at johnny carino's in hiram - it was fun and there was no mess to clean up afterwards :)

    And I love that idea...I called there first, however it is on a saturday evening (again we all have a crazy schedule) and if we don't have 30 people they will seat other patrons in that area, I don't want random people in the room that is weird, and without a location I can't send out an invite and I can't get an RSVP count so I can't say for sure that 30 will show. Any other places with a semi private room?

  2. Yea well I was trying to avoid that. I just don't want to deal with it being in my home or someone elses. I would like to have it in a restaurant or somewhere that I can just get up and leave after cleaning up a bit. I'm being lazy, I have 10 billion other things going on also. I might just end up having to do it at my house. As someone said places get booked pretty quick this time of year.

  3. the hiram community center is really nice. surprisingly big. nice kitchen too.

    Yes it is big...I 've been there, i think it may be too big..maybe I'm wrong though. It has been a good number of years since I've been in there. I will check into that. I have to decide fast and get these invites out!

  4. How many girls?
    Um...although I don't know for sure how many will show about 30 will be invited
    yeah if it was me I'd say the Hiram Coffee house (love the atmosphere and you can't get a friendlier staff) or the tea room in Powder Springs. We love both of these places!!
    Isn't there someone on here from the Hiram cofee shop or am I nuts?? Thanks everyone for all of the great ideas!
  5. Hunter Park, in the Banquet Room, on the ground floor in the back! $60 for A 4 HR WINDOW OF TIME!! It is a BIG ROOM, & chairs & tables included. BETTER CALL THEM ASAP!!


  6. If you are looking for a foo foo vacation with a lot of attractions like- Ripleys, and minature golf.

    Tybee is not for you.

    It is for laying around on the beach, eating, and drinking, Maybe some fishing.

    You can drive into Savannah for a few other activities.

    Almost all of the hotels are older, There are newer condos,

    But it is damp there and thousands of tourist have been tracking sand in these rooms for years.

    Who ever ask about the camp ground it is not the best or the worst, it is quite q ways from the beach,

    There is one fast food place on the island Arbys!


    I've been to Tybee. I just havn't been in a while we really want to spend our time at the beach or in Savannah, I may look at staying in Savannah but the thought of sand in my car (having to drive to the beach)...I just don't like sand i hate it! I wish we didn't have to go to the beach..but we have to.

  7. We stay at Lighthouse Point... but only because an extended family member lets us stay at his condo for 'cleaning fee' only :D


    I think this time of the year most of the beachfront condos go for ~$1200-$1700/week, or ~$200/night.

    (Though most have 3 night minimums)

    Like someone else said... check Tybee Vacation Rentals

    I saw a cottage or two for ~$550-$650/week. Maybe call and tell them what you're looking for, and see what they have.

    If you get something 'just' off the beach, you'll probably save a bit, too.

    Thanks I am going to call them tomorrow!

  8. try www.vrbo.com


    We have found some very reasonable houses and condos to rent.

    Yea I have looked there. There are a lot of very nice ones! BUT, we are only going for 3 days so I don't want to spend $1000 on the place I stay for 3 days!

  9. Let that kid sitting in jail be your kid or your family and see how you feel then. As someone said before taking advantage of someone while they are passed out is BAD BAD BAD...have sex with a 15 year old when you are 17 (those are the right ages?) not exactly right but he has served enough time. Sometimes parents bring on cases like this to justify what their little angle has done. I can tell you that I had sex before I was of legal age...and these day MOST people do. It's like the girl that gets knocked up in high school...she wasn't doing anything that most others weren't she just got caught!

  10. Riograce,

    I have found that there are some people on here who are very self-centered and think that they are Kings and Queens of the road and that everyone else should accommodate them.


    No IVY...Just go the speed limit. as long as you are going the speed limit great...YOU however go under the speedlimit as you said in a previous post...so yes you should get the hell out of the way if you are going under the speed limit. Was I behind you on Brownsville the other day?? I have nOOO problem with those why go the speed limit and I wouldn't ride your ass if you were. However, if you feel that you are in danger b/c of someone riding your ass by all means pull over and save your own life screw them.

    Just my thoughts,

    Queen of the road

  11. If I would get the same sentence for doing the same thing...then she deserves it, if not she shouldn't be "made an example of" B/c of who she is. Celebs, don't sign up to be role models. A role model should be a positive addition to society not a pretty face with loads of money. Honestly, it makes me sick that fox news, CNN and others are showing her. What a joke. Let her live her great life. If she F$@&s up...let her pay, but don't put it on the news where you report on the freaking war and serious issues. Paris Hilton is just another rich ^&*$#, who cares if she sits in jail for 45 days or at her house, she isn't going to learn either way...don't you know by now Paris thinks she rules the world.

  12. Take it as you want to. Do you want your Brother to be with you? If yes than you believe what you like. If no then it was just a crazy a$$ printer. The same type things happened to me. I was on a plane when my uncle died in a plane crash. I didn't know it at the time but...at the same exact time as my uncle's plane crashed ( I looked at my watch) the plane went crazy with turbulence (sp??) It makes you think. Also getting off of the plane right when I was on the phone and my mom told me the news, I hear his name. I'm not sure who said it but it was his full name. Very Strange. I like to think that my Uncle is with me.

  13. Thanks. Shopping makes it better. I've had a bad run with jobs, every company i go to seems to shut down...I'm bad luck i guess :) Good luck on your interviews!!

  14. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you thank you! I left my last job on really bad terms and I thought it would never happen! But it did!! I'm gonna go shopping to celebrate!!

  15. Jaycat...I know you don't care but I got a job I just checked my e-mail and they want to hire me and they came up to meet my requested salary! WOOO HOOOO!!! I just love the people and the work will be a breeze for me!! YAHHHHH Sorry I am excited.... :D :D :D :D

  16. Some men make me sick. If you are a good father than thank you, really. I am speaking from my own expierence, my father is an @$$ I am old enough now to love him for what he is BUT I still hate him for what he isn't/wasn't. After a lot of crap from him my mother gave me and my brother the option of seeing him or not. We both decided not to see him. My brother still doesn't see him. All I can say is thank God my mom married a GOOD man that loved all of us and he taught me what a real man is. Allthough it is very sad right now, your children will be better for it in the future. Continue to be strong and they will always (as do I) remember that you were the one that was there.

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