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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. It amazes me how owners of sports franchise stand behind their players... The question I've always wonder is, would they provide the same support for a lower level employee?? Would you company stand by you if you were suddenly in the press with an indiment such as Vick???


    I know,, it is a double standard, and that is life... But why do sport fans that buy the tickets put up with it??


    Not no but hell no...Paris went to jail, Vick needs to go too and they can treat him like a dog there

  2. PLEASE do not give the dog Tylenol! You CAN give him aspirin though if he is in pain. You can google it to find out the dosage for his size.

    That is what I thought, I called the ER vet and they said the same...wrap it until tomorrow

  3. First suggestion take her to the vet or call them for advice.


    Personally, I would try to wash it, or at least rinse it off. I'd pour on some peroxide and try to wrap it up tight. Not sure if this helps. Just my instincts. I've heard you can give baby Tylenol for pain, but check first. Good luck.


    I don't think you give tylenol to dogs... i may be wrong. so wrap it and take her to the vet. They are closed now unless i take her to the er vet? Should i take her to the er vet??

  4. well for now until you can get her to the vet, put some betadine on the whole paw, and wrap it in gauze real thick so that she won't be putting pressure directly on it when she stands.

    thanks, i feel really bad for her when my dogs are hurt i am hurt :(

  5. Rock on, girl. I think you should have the dress made into napkins so you can use them to wipe your mouth.


    Her mouth...thats not what I'd wipe with a dress I bought to marry some no good skank. (sorry I just can't stand a man like that!)

  6. We would if that driver was going over the speed limit and had a history of 5 violations in the past year. The "ghetto" breeds are the same thing to me. Kind of like drag racing on a public road, the odds of something going wrong are much greater. That child should not have died, and parents need a nap sometimes.


    My heart hurts over this.

    "ghetto" Breeds :rolleyes: The Stupid @$$ people in the world are all the same to me. :rolleyes:

  7. ROFL!!! Maybe there should be a kid section. I've flown with one of my children twice and both times I was very self conscious of the noise she made, if she cried, etc. because I remember as a single person not having the compassion or empathy for people with kids on planes. Thankfully, my daughter was a good flyer, but I remember being a nervous wreck hoping that would be the case so she wouldn't "ruin" anyone else's trip.

    People traveling with children should sit in a special area, with more space and privacy. Then again I think that 'Checking" the kids might be a good idea too.

  8. Pit bulls are a touchy subject. I've owned them, one of which being the best dog I've ever known. And I am NOT a "dog person."

    Yes, they are. I love mine too. Very sweet dogs, when they are properly cared for of course. Anyway back on topic. People get a freakin fence if you want a dog. Not only are you protecting outsiders, but you are protecting your dogs also!

  9. I thought it was a Rottweiler. And how do you know it was trained to attack?

    Are you directing that at me, b/c if you are you can re read my post and what I was replying to and you will see that what I was replying to was slightly off subject. Thank you have a nice day.

  10. This article makes me sick to my stomach. :(

    There is a household not far from us who has two pitbulls. The young men that own then are known for letting them out, and having the attack other dogs. They killed the little Jack-Russell from across the street from us. I have NO DOUBT they would do it also to a child. I'm not sure what has happened with this case, I've not heard. They were to go to the city council meeting about it last week.

    That is crazy. I just don't get why people can find pleasure in something so sad. Of course they would do the same to a child, they are trained to attack. So sad, a pit bull has become an accessory, like a nice watch. Very sad.

  11. I think she looks like a street walking tramp, j/k (well maybe not) I don't find her attractive however I can appreciate her music (somewhat)


    Oh...and she has made enough money now to fix her grill :)

  12. I love dogs. I just saw that sweet little girl's face and it just broke my heart.


    Maybe all people that have dogs should have a kennel or a fence. That would be a good thing. Then dogs won't get killed or be able to kill other things. That should be a STATE law. It is better for the dogs (no chain) and everyone else.

    I agree...except for the Kennel part a 12x12 cage is no place for an animal. I guess some people can't afford a fence...but maybe everyone should think about that before getting an outside dog. The way I look at it, I wouldn't leave my 2lb inside dog outside and I'm not bringing my 60lb out side dogs in, unless it is REALLY hot or REALLY cold, so the only logical thing to do is to have the best fence $ can buy. BTW....my "big dogs" are so sweet they play really nice with the 2lb dog, I love them!!


    She is a beautiful little girl, I hope her parents remember her like that, I just can't imagine losing a child. :(

  13. I didn't classify the dog, I just wouldn't have a dog ANY DOG that would kill a child. I do blame the owners. They have more than one dog. They had a problem with one of the dogs. They should have installed a FENCE by now.


    This is a wake up call to Carroll County. They need to adopt new laws similar to Paulding's. They could have avoided this whole mess.


    I agree those types of dogs should be in a fence and I have 2 pit bulls. I love them they are my babies! BUT...no one can get in our fence and the dogs are not getting out either.I have younger brothers and I do not let them go around the 2 "big dogs" I don't think that they would EVER EVER EVER hurt anyone...but you just never know. I love my animals but I still think that a human life comes first.

    I don't really think the owner is at fault for having those dogs, but for not having them safely contained Yes. These are the types of accidents that give these dogs a bad name. If you want one, more power to you, but do what is right by that animal.



    ALSO...if my child were missing for that long and this happend just kill me, b/c I would blame myself. Not saying that it is or isn't the parents fault, just how I would feel.

  14. That would be kewl, but you'd have to fight the teens! :lol:See, I would LOVE that, but I'd end up spending more than I made. :lol: :ninja:

    Blockbuster at Brownsville is Hiring. Work somewhere that you could get a useful discount. Like at a grocery store.

  15. Accident......hardly....chain an animal with that genetic disposition ~ what else is to be expected

    Feel sorry for the dog's owners......hardly....suburbia really needs 'Rotties' and Pits.........


    These maimings and tragic attacks continue....but those who own the beasts have rights sans responsibilities for the outcome.


    It is certainly tragic beyond understanding for the child and her family





  16. Here is a picture of the Natural Sea Loofah Embedded SoapsPictured from left to right Pomegranate Twilight, Patchouli, Masculine Indulgence, Pure Indulgence and Honey Blossom These $6. ounce bars sell for $7.50 and when done you have an incredible loofah left. Our process allows for a hard bar and these will last and last. A facial/body scrub, soap and scents from invigorating to relaxing and we even have a Masculine scent.He will love the Masculine Indulgence soap with the loofah, great for scrubbing hands. If you like Drakkar you will like our Masculine Indulgence line, creams, foaming soaps, massage oils, sachet beads, dead sea salt, frag. sprays and candles.


    I just thought that that thing was sooo cool! I can't wait to come and get some products for myself..

    On another note...as if my basket doesn't look great on top there is stuff under all of that too!! I didn't want to dig around much and mess it up....although...If I messed it up I'd have to keep it and then you guys would have to make another one. :D

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