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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. Thank you, that explains my confusion as well...

    I suppose it's as they say, "same difference" but equally as powerful when experienced in person.

    Sorry...The same but not the smae. It was very sad, touching whatever you want call it.

  2. Our zoo consists of a Great Pyrenees, 149 lbs., a Golden Retriever, 80 lbs, and an English Setter, 55 lbs. and an old cat about 16 years old and still hunts!


    Only way I'll get more animals is to get a divorce. :)

    Now theres an idea! More space in the bed!!

  3. Did you say zoo, you must have been to my house. :) Well actually there are people with more animals then me. Most volunteers at the shelter have multo dogo's and cats too.

    I know ...Our dogs have issues and it's nothing to drop $300-$400 on them at any given moment. I have 2 'Big" dogs a baby dog (3 lbs) and then the cats...I want a bigger house first. Out on a whole bunch of land and then I really can have a zoo!

  4. bump, let's see, how about a cute puppy picture to get you in the mood for going to the shelter this weekend

    And these are cute also. :wub: Lab/Rottie mix puppies 6-8 weeks old. Or some cute little kittens, and there are all kinds!

    Or some cute little kittens, and there are all kinds!


    Sad Boxer female, already spayed!

    Poor babies the boxer looks so sad...I wish I had room for more. But I already feel as though I live in a zoo.

  5. Your Score: Rosalind Russell


    You scored 16% grit, 42% wit, 33% flair, and 21% class!




    You are one wise-cracking lady, always quick with a clever remark and easily able to keep up with the quips and puns that come along with the nutty situations you find yourself in. You're usually able to talk your way out of any jam, and even if you can't, you at least make it more interesting with your biting wit. You can match the smartest guy around line for line, and you've got an open mind that allows you to get what you want, even if you don't recognize it at first. Your leading men include Cary Grant and Clark Gable, men who can keep up with you.




    Ohhh lesley

  6. Here is a picture that appeared on the front page of a Florida newspaper this past weekend. I was down there competing in a Cowboy Mounted Shooting event.


    Oh, my uncle did cowboy shooting until he recently passed, never mounted though. Cowboy shooting is really great! cool pic.

  7. Georgia


    North Carolina

    South Carolina







    West Virginia


    New York

    New Jersey


    New Hampshire










    I think thats all.....

  8. Awww thanks! :wub: I won't tell mom though she is pretty matronly at almost 70 years old :wub:


    I am glad to see everyone still voting! Thank you!

    I voted again also...I voted for a few others tooo...but I've voted for your moms pup several times....I can't vote any more today....it won't let me. Good luck to your mom

  9. Another reason I'm skeptical of God's existence. Would he really give a "gift" to celebrate a night of awkward, sweaty, unwed teenage sex?




    Why would he reward something that so many claim goes against his instructions (premarital sex)?

    You know....I don't think I was ever quite that idealistic.



    All though I do believe that children are a wonderful gift....and I do believe in God.....I also believe that people choose not to properly prevent pregnancy. As Oscar said "If you don't know how to put on a party hat, don't go to the party."


    God gave me the ability to reproduce...he also gave me a brain. Not insulting Teenage mothers...I am the first generation in a long long time in my family, not becoming a teenage mother. I wouldn't be here if is wasn't for my teenage mother, BUT both mine and my mothers "childhoods" would have been better had she waited to have sex or at least used better protection.


    Anyway good luck with son, I hope that things work out great for you.


    and- good luck with the project.

  10. If my home was in danger of fire,

    it does not matter if these guys showed up as long as they are fighting the blaze... B) :) B)



    The blue guy just scares me...I might run back into the fire. The other two are fine.

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