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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I'm just wondering....if there are alot of you Bluejv88's out there AKA Miller drinkers.....????


    Tonight I didn't drink beer...I had a little bit of everything except beer. If I were drinking beer...it would be a Bud Light.


    So....tell me what beer do you drink??

  2. Me and EEA will be there!
    Great....Just got home I'm gonna fix myself and I'll be going up there.
    i usually go to mia's bar and grill in kmart shopping center. As far as class....ya...its cake....haha. maybe tommorow night?
    I've never been there......
  3. i already started man


    1st things first...last time I checked..... I'm not a man :p

    and second....I think I'm gonna go to Buffalos tonight and have a 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 drinks....


    Enjoy yours!

  4. I agree. Cotton is cotton. I also fail to see the difference in a bikini and bra and panties. Why is one ok and the other is not? I think we have some screwed up ideas of what is right.

    I can't really figure that out either....strange people I tell you...strange.

  5. Whatever happened to "it takes a village?" :D



    Screw the village....Life doesn't work that way anymore...and it's not going to and to be perfectly honest...If I see one of the village people trying to parent my child...I might shoot....:)

  6. It's not the governments place to tell me how to dress.....it's just not. I want to run my own life...


    Maybe this could wrap into some public indecency law although those only cover whole or partial nudity...and I suppose this isn't really either......


    I don't know...I don't want to see your @$$ but it's also not my place to tell you how to dress. Thats your mamas job and if she isn't doing it....it still isn't my job.


    I say let the location be it a mall, grocery store, gas station or whatever....decide what they will and will not allow.

  7. Laurie...I should be able to have some yardsale signs printed for you....let me know what they should say. If I can't have them printed in time...I will make some. BUT maybe someone can donate the things to put them in the ground??

    Also, I need to get with you to give you Thomas' b-day card. Better late than never right??

  8. This would be too funny if you could convince your guy to dress in this :lol:


    (De La Hoya)


    I do believe Hell would freeze over and pigs would fly...I have fish nets. A few pairs actually and mine are "net" all the way up! I can't imagine that feeling very nice around the jewels!

  9. Al Bundy and Peggy BundyI love it....all he will have to do is stick his hand down his pants...and hey he's always got his hands on the goods...so he should be great. I printed that list! Thanks!!

    My husband and I were Shrek and Fiona (as Ogre) one year.
    That is super cute....I just don't know if I am creative enough to come up with that costume!
  10. I started one on this an NO ONE responded.

    Seems like no one but you and LisaG responded to this one....I was sure I could count on the creativity of P.com....Have a big Halloween party coming up and there is always alot of competition...Dog and Beth (bounty hunter guy and his wife with DDDDDD) came last year....it was great!

  11. There is rumors that Dabbs Bridge will be straightened and widened, also that there may be a connection to I-75 across Third Army Road.

    That might be completed in the next 50 years, at the rate other useful projects have gone.

    According to DOT, the solution to ALL the traffic problems in our area---all it will take---is the solution they came up with---we're going to widen Hwy 92.



    I suppose I should just look a little closer to work... :wacko: House hunting is becoming a huge pain....everyone requires something..me..him...the big dogs...the little dog and the cat. We all need something special. AHHH. Maybe I should just go and have a liquid lunch.................

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