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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Check out Clark Howards web site..he has some good tips
  2. I know someone who buys and sells cars and trucks...he may be able to keep an eye out and find one for you.. let me know if you would like his number.
  3. nope not Kingswood...around here the HOA just will decide to close the pool early because they can.
  4. US? no way only if they catch us
  5. solosoul


    You can always tell them to enjoy their vacation and be sure to bring the pictures to court to show the judge what they did instead of paying you back.
  6. Good morning...going to be a great day...get to spend it with friends.
  7. I am sure the whale would like nothing better than to NEVER be around humans.
  8. Blond....woman...BIG Green.....hmmm what does LPPT drive?
  9. I am really lucky..Galinesmanwife is cooking for me tonight....country fried steak in gravy...
  10. Should have taken them to court.
  11. I have been in Kingswood from the start and I will be getting out ASAP. My daughter and her 2 girls are going to be staying for a while and there is NO WAY I would think of letting my granddaughters out of my sight in this neighborhood. Are there good people here?...yes. Are there bad....YES... the pool is way to small..the HOA well it has always been a problem. This neighborhood has gone down hill big time....no way would I tell any friend or family to move in here...they would be loosing money and asking for problems.
  12. Christians responsibility to me is also the care of Gods gifts to us... like this earth and the animals.
  13. With my grandfater it was a matter of the cure being worse than the cancer....it was not like it was going to cure him but just make his last days hard.
  14. Saddly I believe it...we all want to blame everyone and everything else and not deal with things.
  15. I am sick and tired of all these pansy... I have been much worse in my life and never once did someone offer to pay me to get better....DEAL WITH IT
  16. Groceries in Paulding. For clothes I go to The Avenues or sometimes further.
  17. WOW wonder if the trainer knew from your thick accent you were a yankee and did not want to train any yankees.
  18. Yours moves out and mine moves in.....my DD and her 2 kids are moving in this weekend. FOR A SHORT TIME...
  19. I have no idea but you are always welcome to ask. You may also enjoy this link http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=492
  20. It may but I do not want to wait...so I will make several dolls.
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