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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Guess I would want to know if this is the first time they have asked for it back or if they are just now getting around to doing something about people who refussed to give it back....if that is the case they should have really done something before now.
  2. Like the old saying goes...A fool and his money shall soon part.
  3. "Andersonville isn't in a northern state.".............no joke but then again I guess you would have to know your history to know what that meant. I am still looking for someone around here who has been told first hand how things were 145 years ago....
  4. I hate Russel and I am VERY VERY glad he never wins.
  5. Yes because you forgive for yourself not for the person who did you wrong. You do it to move on not to make the other person feel better. Does not mean you will forget and that things will go back to the way they were because we all learn from the way others have treated us to trust or not.
  6. Hey if you stop them then a lot of perverts will have to go else to get their fix.
  7. Wonder if I can go rob a bank when I need money???? After all I am a good person and it is not fair that the bank has so much and I may need some. Will you guys rally for for me?
  8. And where are her parents??? I belive they also are illegal so why is nothing being done about them?
  9. Hmmmm time to collect them and return them... I hope they enjoy lots of papers dropped off at their door. Let them pay the bill to haul them away.
  10. solosoul


    Not sure about any other kind but there will be the music of laughter..
  11. Did not hit a nerve with me ..just did what you asked and answered your question
  12. Believe me you will laugh till you cry...we do it often.
  13. The past may be the past but a lie is a lie....not telling you about it before you married IS a lie and to me would tell me a lot about the person I THOUGHT I had married and I would be thinking twice about what else was not told to me...The trust would be gone.
  14. LOl and seeing your face when you see that I have opened and spread them all out on your yard would be too...LOL
  15. Hey I know where you live too so I would suggest you NOT do that...LOL
  16. You can make then STOP throwing their trash paper in your yard...it took a while but I did. I did tell them I was going to return their trash paper to them..alot at one time dumped on their door steps.
  17. Yes I am...I also have been on the list to be a living donor. I also give platlets when I am called. There is a lot people can do that will not affect them but can help others.
  18. Ok next time you find someone has broken in...window broke whatever..THE FIRST thing you should always do if you have ANY guns is to check to see if they are missing...otherwise never keep guns. You should at all times know where any and all guns are..ALWAYS.. no excuses.
  19. Sorry but who really cares???? I mean people put way too much into what these Hollywood blowhards say....nothing any of them say or do will affect me in anyway so why care?
  20. I have always hated women who can not control themselves at work...Crying??? save that for home.Wonder how many men when told they no longer have a job broke down and cried to everyone at work????
  21. I HATE Sprint and get mad everytime someone I know calls me that has Sprint...7 out of 10 times the call will be dropped over and over grrrrrr. Of course if they come to my house they can not make a call because their phones do not work here.
  22. it would be great to have a BIG Monday night...so everyone come.
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