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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. It is sad, all parents were to be notified before Monday. Just remember her family in your prayers
  2. My husband wanted to name our second son Dooley I don't think so, the boy actually thinks he would have liked it.
  3. you can be his "friend" and he will be "my man"
  4. I usually hit the FF button when he is on. There is just something about him I don't like. Crystal either, just don't like her well at least we agree on something
  5. she is such a control freak, I dunno she may trip over her hair
  6. [quote name='A Friendly Geek' date='11 March 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1268361044' post='3105523'] You better not mess with me - I got a whole jug full of viruses that I removed from peoples computers that I'm trying to figure out what to do with. [/quote] hey, I got a whole list of people you could give them to. You could make some good money being a "Puter Hitman"
  7. what??? You is crazy!!! My man Lee is wayyyy better, and if Casey would cut that Bucky hair, brush it something he could win it. I bet you $$$$$$$$ that Big Mike will not get past top 5
  8. Overall, I think the results were right. Lets face it, there are maybe 3-4 people on there right now that could win it. The rest are just there to help drag the show out
  9. He was Johnathon Garvey on Little House on the Prairie, I loved him on that show.
  10. a friend of my moms gave me his cocker spaniel and this dog big a boy(a nip really) and became very aggressive. I had to turn him into the shelter because the guy wouldn't take him back. I know they put him down and I truly hated it but i couldn't put my child or others in danger.
  11. all that advertised money would have been better spent by paying the people to fill them out. Mail it in get a check
  12. on your way to Target wasn't you
  13. I have a sugestion for a person you could contact. Her company name is Carrottop Kidz, I know she has a great setup. This is her contact info on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/carrottopkidz?ref=ts
  14. so sad, I'll never understand this sort of thing.
  15. oh yeah!! that was a good one
  16. believe it or not, cascade(dishwasher powder) Our coach's wife swears by it.
  17. my husband's boss's wife is putting together a 3 mile to benefit cancer, I dodn't know all the details but I think it is $25. If you are interested I could find more out.
  18. I don't know whats weirder that you talked to the palms or that they talked back haha, i watched your son out there with a broom knocking the snow off. He was so funny
  19. >stompingmyfoot< that's not fair!!
  20. this weekend??? that doesn't work for me can we reschedule??
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