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Everything posted by kelwil

  1. indeed CC .. you gotta keep on talkin .. cuz their attn span is very short ... you rock ! ... n btw check ur PM messages ... ty
  2. ok thanks ... are they long sleeved or short ? ...
  3. do you have any adult 3 to 4 x ... shirts ?
  4. what size is that 55 jersey in the window ? ... n what price .. Tia !
  5. you cannot keep someone sober ... you can surroud folks with the best ppl in world .. if someone does NOT want help .. they will go back down the addiction road ...
  6. are yall closing earlier then normal ? ..
  7. 120 on paulding side is good .. still a few spots on it not that great .. but cobbs side is really bad .. use extreme caution ... n btw for all the folks that think pdot didnt do enuff .. you should see Cobb .. much worse .. yall be safe th is morning !
  8. that is another imp question .. ty for asking it !
  9. thank you ... i probably wont venture out that way till after the sun is supposed to be shining ... i will have no way of knowing what the DOT is doing out that way ... n i just cant afford to tear my car up at this point or any for that matter .. n no bodys life is worth it honestly ... ty again for your input
  10. my question is how is 120 going to whitlock .. i know you didnt go all the way to whitlock like i would have too .. but did the roads seem to be heavy with slush thats gonna freeze tonite .. ? .. cuz i would be out on t he roads around four thirty to five in monring .. tia !
  11. oh ty Rio ... thats good to know ... im pretty stupid when comes to these kinda things ... so i do appreciate everyones input ! ...
  12. holy smokes .. u are right ... ty for the info Bump !
  13. ah ty lady ... i might take u up on that ! ... i think u already know im not the reader in the house lol .. but katie loves that mess ... n since we have limited space .. i think this would be good option ... another question is .. how many books can you store on it ? .. in case she falls in love wtih a few n wants to actually keep them for later reading too ... TIA
  14. thanks for your input folks ... i will def be doin some more research ...
  15. i know this has been asked probably .. im wondering the real diff between the two ... n maybe a stupid question .. but how much does it cost for each book you dl ? ... tia
  16. are you saying i type like a serial killer again ? ... just curious ...
  17. i do NOT think i would be a very good Aunt Bea ... yall come up with a foolio for me to be maybe .. but i aint no Aunt Bea
  18. no way no how .. cuz everyone would know its me ... cuz my typing skills !
  19. you made out good ! ... i got a lil bit of money ... half a toaster oven .. n half a buffet cooker thingy ? .. has three dif sections u can cook dif things in ... i dunno wha tya call it ... n i say half .. cuz i gotta share with katie lol .. i think our kids are trying to tell us to cook more !
  20. well sadie ... if she was mine ..she would be standing in cold on mornings ... btw ... did u get something special for christmas ?
  21. lol too funny .. i love her expression .. like wha ?????? i didnt do it !
  22. my holidays were awesome ... enjoyed the family n all .. now ready to relax ... as far as taking kids to school .. ours always rode bus ...
  23. well good evening yall ... tomorrow is my sleep in day .. so im up for a few ... did yall have good holidays ?
  24. no it isnt just you ... matter a fact she acted like it was a pain to even try to see me ONCE a year ... n that her time was more valuable then mine .. makin folks wait extensively ...honestly ... if yall find a good one out this way or whatever let me know ... i would like to get back on some of my meds ... that they need to test my blood for ...
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