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Everything posted by kelwil

  1. dude .. phoenix .. friday .. between 1;30 n 2 .. be there ... its my go to place on fridays for lunch ... bring it out n visit with us !
  2. i dont know bout that .. but i enjoy living here ... after 17 years .. it is home to us ... n u are one of the good friends we have made over the years living here ... n honestly .. anyone who doesnt like living here .. just does not appreciate the same things i do ...
  3. i love it cuz i have met some of the best friends anyone could or would want .. i raised my family here ... n will always conisider it home ...
  4. missy .. i like lettuce ... btw .. u owe me some hugs .. you gotta get ur ass out to have lunch with me !
  5. i had a bacon n lettuce sandwich .. n some chips ... for snack i had a banana n strawberry yogurt
  6. oh my she sure does Tona .. she is adorable !
  7. morning pcom luvtennis .. you going for a run ? ... everyone have a great day !
  8. ive been with progressive for a lil over a year .. at renewal time .. my policy went up 20 bucks a month ... i am not very happy right now with that ...
  9. kelwil

    shout out

    well not after every word at least ! ... n yes LPPT he is ...
  10. kelwil

    shout out

    just wanted to say that chainsaw hooked me up with a new keyboard ... so i can type without continually hitting the ... key ! .. ty again chainsaw you rock !
  11. technically..it..would..be..YOur.fault..i..only..know..this..cuz..i..had..this.happen..to..me..when..i..was18..n..they..sued..me..ins..setttled..n..it..still..pisses..me..off..to..this..day!
  12. im looking for a keyboard...my space key has gone out on mine...
  13. lol...i hear that !...they do have a new cook ... btw katie got the salad...its good size for four bucks ...n comes with quite a bit of stuff on it !@
  14. i am having bacon n lettuce sandwich ...had pork wings n fries from phoenix for lunch...
  15. i know their steak sandwiches are 6 on wed ...but the sign says six so maybe other days too ?... Shanda the daytime waitress is so nice ...we dont go at night ...
  16. yes ma'am LR ...nthey are good ...love the daytime staff....
  17. we go to the phoenix for our philly cheesesteaks !
  18. what a great offer Due ...iwill def keep u posted !
  19. ty so much ..your patience...is very refreshing ... i know...it aint easy with me asking so many questions ...just want to be sure !
  20. ok...so i would need a wireless router ...n a roku then...?
  21. ok...this is gonna be stupid question i amsure ..but im making sur i understand there has to be a internet connection to the boxright ?/
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