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Everything posted by kelwil

  1. well tell em to quit playing with the works .. not to burn down our neighborhood
  2. i doubt anyone would wanna do that to me ...lol ... if so they have very lil in their life to keep them happy
  3. thanks .. im glad she was using her mannners when in other ppls presence ...
  4. nice to meet you too ... yea she hasnt been to visit since last year ... we miss her but she is like everyone else tight on money so we understand ... she seems happy out there for most part in utah ...
  5. if u are comin from your direction my house is straight ahead in the cul de sac ... small world ... i tell ya ...
  6. over on adelene way in the cul de sac ... how long you been in here ?
  7. i dont know what house they went to but they just left the sub bout five mins ago
  8. lol too close to bedtime for me to make that run ... so think of me when u get there !
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