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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I'm thinking it's the SECOND beer run we should be worried about.
  2. From my years in Ohio, I seem to remember they can plow or sand/salt, but can't do both at the same time. The load gives them the traction needed to plow, and they also can't plow effectively with a shifting load. The other thing is the sand or salt is only effective until the road refreezes, meaning it's mostly a waste of time and materials on a day like today.
  3. You'll probably need to contact someone at work for support. It's probably a problem at the server end.
  4. Thanks, they must have updated it in the last half hour.
  5. It won't make it here - it's going to stop and pile up at the Alabama border.
  6. I thought I'd start a thread that will hopefully be used as a single point for all non-school closures. If you have a question about a place or event being closed, ask and maybe someone will know. If you know of a closure, post that also. If you have a link, include that. -- I'm supposed to report for Jury Duty tomorrow at 815 am, so I'll be monitoring the news and county web site to see if the courts will be closed. Does anyone have a link to a web page that can be considered an 'official' status for the Paulding County Courts?
  7. I'm supposed to report for jury duty at 8:15.
  8. Actually, everyone in the area's angle should be pretty much the same. They have to point at a very specific location in the sky to 'see' the satellites.
  9. When we had cable, it would go out for days after every little storm. No thanks.
  10. The feed still comes from above ground. If few major lines go down, everyone is knocked out. Right now, the temps they're predicting mean a good possibility of ice accumulation on the lines.
  11. The problem is, how soon before this gos from 'Dying with Dignity' to 'can you justify the pain and expense?'
  12. Well, Mr Surepip, as your Doctor, I'm required and paid by the government to tell you that you've had a good life of xx years, but as you know, your is health declining. Do you really want to go thorough the pain and expense of treatment of that (fill in the blank*). Can you really justify making the government or your family pay to extend your life for a measly few years? Why not just let nature take it's course and leave those resources you'd be using for the younger, productive generation? *Suggestions - Cancer, Arthritis, hang nail . . .
  13. You want a better fundraiser - quit selling the overpriced junk and simply ask for donations, being specific what the money is going towards. BTW - Pier 1 did not go out of business. They only closed their Hiram store.
  14. There needs to be an option on all school wide and PTA fundraisers for a parent to 'opt out' their child. Preferably with a donation, but don't make that a requirement. Do away with the prizes awarded to the top selling children. These are usually cheap items anyway and only serve to make those who are not able to sell feel bad. Finally, have a clear option where a person doesn't have to buy the expensive junk to support the school. There should be a 'check box' on all order forms to allow a straight cash (check) donation.
  15. She quit her job because the frivolous lawsuits liberals progressives and Democrats were continually filing against her were preventing her from doing her job and costing her hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend. Didn't Obama quit his senate seat before completing his first term of office?
  16. Do you have a plan for those currently covered under COBRA, but looking to move off of it?
  17. True. The thing is, the author mimics the progressives so well that many don't see the satire in it.
  18. Some might think this belongs in the PF. It's not about politics so I think it's OK in the IC. Read the article - what do y'all think? How do you feel about Bristol (and Willow?)
  19. It sounds like you're a firm believer in ME! ME! ME!
  20. We have dish with no problems. We might lose signal during heavy storms, but it comes right back on it's own. When we had cable, it seemed to go out just as often, but we had to wait until someone got around go coming out to fix it.
  21. Be aware, summer is one of the more expensive times to cruise.
  22. It's interesting how you're placing your beliefs on your memory of an unknown TV documentary on an unknown network. How about some real (non government funded) scientists: "What If All the Ice Melts?" Myths and Realities Public Disservice: Melting Myths Government Scientists Spread Ice Melt Myths Global Warming Myth Destroyed: Antartica has weakest melt season in 30 years.
  23. You're right, they COULD do that, but they would still have pay the increased rent. The question is would they be able do so and still to turn a profit. -- Instead of everyone getting mad at Kroger, why not write the landlord and ask them not to raise the rent on the store?
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