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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. markdavd


    Anyone know what the sirens I'm hearing are all about? They started about 2 minutes ago and are still going. Not emergency vehicles, but they sound like alarm sirens. I'm in East Paulding near the Dallas Highway Walmart.
  2. Never had a problem with Delta, but have had Airtran up and cancel flights at the last minute.
  3. One question - why does the captain always give the order to "fire at Will?" You'd think Riker would do something about it.
  4. Nothing new here. Every child I've known with paranoid or 'clean freak' parents has been overall a lot more sick than those with parents who allow them to be a little dirty.
  5. If this were constitutional, we could fix the homeless problem by simply mandating that everyone buy a house.
  6. From Paulding County E911 Communications Center:
  7. You admit that this simple words confuse you, yet you want people to take your advice on complex matters?
  8. The OP asked about both in that topic.
  9. This has been discussed a number of times over the last few years: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/263166-40-contruction-trucks-in-lot-east-of-car-dealerships/page__view__findpost__p__3373102
  10. They claim they won't give any information to anyone over the phone because of privacy reasons. They say they want to be sure they're talking to the correct person. Can we assume she's been requesting her payment each week?
  11. I will probably be interested, depending on the final date.
  12. Make sure you check with the Post Office before you go: http://usps.whitepages.com/passport/30157 They don't all take photos, and if they do, some charge $15.00. Also, most want you make an appointment for passport processing.
  13. How do you earn a living if you don't work for someone else? Even if you own your own business, you still work for the customer, and they can have a bigger say on your well being than any employer. Especially if your attitude is that you don't work for anybody but yourself.
  14. The last I heard, the building near Walmart was going to be a retirement community, including xenior apartments, assisted living and nursing home. Next to that is going to be a shopping center.
  15. Be careful. If the dryer is just 110v, I would think it would take twice as long to dry clothes and would run the electric bill through the roof.
  16. This does not work if you were born after 1999. Can you explain that Mr. Postman?
  17. Didn't Obama say that "Energy prices would 'necessarily' go up under his administration" while he was campaigning?
  18. Look at it this way - If you need a new car, is it cheaper to gut the old one down to the frame and buy all new parts, or is it cheaper to just buy a new one?
  19. How many times have you heard 'the temperature at the airport is . . .' because it was decided years ago that would be the 'official' temperature? Measuring temperatures at an airport is not good for anything but knowing what's happening at the airport, and they were installed just for that purpose. The temps will almost always be on the high side because they're surrounded by all the concrete and tarmac runways and jet exhaust. As airports get bigger, the measured temps went go up.
  20. Getting more accurate measurements in the future won't fix bad measurements from the past. Here's a good article about problems with the recording of the historical data from the past 100 years: The Metrology of Thermometers Here is a site of a group of folks looking at the placement of the official weather stations. So many are placed in bad locations that it's a joke. Imagine using the thermometer at the Greystone office for official temperatures. It's almost always because it's placed in a parking lot. Unfortunately, some of the official locations are similarly placed. http://www.
  21. Maybe it was simply a test, and being so, they deactivated/deleted it from the web site as soon as it was determined to be successful. No big deal.
  22. It gets weirder and weirder . . . Next year, if you add the year you were born to the age you'll be next year, it will ALWAYS be 112 -- unless you're a pre-teen, then it will always be 12.
  23. If you were born on or after 1/1/2000, the numbers only add up to 11.
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