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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. LEDs may be a better alternative - especially once the prices come down to a reasonable level, but more than one of recent study shows they also contain a number of toxins. Google LED TOXINS for more information.
  2. Get the government out of funding the research. The politics only holds the smart folks back and delays everything. Let it be funded by private enterprise. If Detroit won't fund it, someone else will. If the government funded the development of the car, we'd still be riding horses.
  3. Another corporation that refused to change with the times years ago so they're paying the price now.
  4. You're saying we can't give our thoughts on the subject if it's contrary to the OP? That seems childish and small minded.
  5. Not trying to convince you. Just hoping someone will read the link and realize they've been had.
  6. To add more facts: CO2 attributed toMy link man's activity is around 3% of all Co2. That means 97% is naturally occurring that we can do nothing about. BTW - CO2 makes up only 0.038% of the atmosphere. An honest look at all so-called green house gases shows man's contribution is .28%. Just to be clear, that's just over one quarter of one percent. Here's a scientific article about the biggest of the greenhouse gases. For some reasons, the global warming crowd won't touch it. Maybe because they know folks would wake up and realize they're being played as fools. Global Warming
  7. I stopped believing anything the (un)Humane Society said a long time ago.
  8. Cleaning real pollution from the environment is a great goal. Claiming naturally occurring substances are pollution and killing the economy by trying to limit them is not, and if the EPA tries, it should be abolished.
  9. I see you still are believing the liberal progressive line that Cheney is the boggyman and that we are using oil faster than we can find it. 20 years ago you and your buddys were complaining it would take 10 years to begin making use of the Alaska resources. I see that line hasn't changed. Huge oil reserve finds are being announced almost yearly. It's the liberals and their puppets in the press who want to bottle it up and pretend they don't exist. Peak Oil? Is that an oil company? No You Tube Videos please. Peak Oil? Is that an oil company? No You Tube Videos ple
  10. What's wrong is trying to guilt folks into eating the way you think they should. By someone saying it's a "non violent" way to eat, they're doing just that. If someone were develop a device showing plants feel pain, I wonder what some of these people would eat.
  11. We also have an abundance of petroleum, but the eco-freaks don't want us to safely get to it.
  12. I'll pick up some nice steaks to celebrate!
  13. Keep in mind you're still having to create electricity somewhere, so your shiny new electric car might actually run on coal. Before electric cars can come into widespread use, the electric grid will need to be built up and generating capacity will need to increase. Who want's to pay higher electric bills for that?
  14. You forgot fall break and thanksgiving break.
  15. Wouldn't that be any week off during the school year?
  16. We saw a number of kids wearing EPHS and SPHS gear on the cruise this past week.
  17. We saw a lot of Paulding, Cobb and Cherokee tags in the parking deck. I'm glad you had a good time. I found they actually get better after the first cruise because you don't have the first few days taken up with getting the 'feel' of cruising.
  18. Your source, dated June, 2008 titled - North Pole May Be Ice-Free for First Time This Summer Guess what - the event they predicted to happen in Sept. 2008 didn't happen.
  19. Talking about cruise lines is no different than discussing Ford vs Chevy or Apple/Mac vs PC. We just got back from a Carnival Cruise out of Mobile and had a great time. This was our third cruise with Carnival. Sure there were kids, but Carnival has staff dedicated to planning their activities and keeping them safe and happy. The only problems were with the kids that the parents let run wild, and that would happen on any cruise line. In fact, the kids on the higher end lines will probably have grown up with a sense of entitlement and be more likely to run wild. Whoever claimed that Car
  20. If you believe man made CO2 is causing global warming, begin doing your part by reducing the amount of carbonated beverages you drink. If you don't want to stop drinking beer and soda, you aren't serious.
  21. Letting an employee go on camera - no matter how much of a deadbeat - is asking for a big time lawsuit. I don't think you'll ever see it unless it really is staged.
  22. Since when does Obama have to listen to a mere Judge?
  23. Could the Bridal store be going in to where Pier 1 was and Party City where LNT was?
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