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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. 10 days in a rural area? What if you had to spend those 10 days in Detroit instead? I'm trying to figure out how a plan of action can be all-encompassing to be able to get to a ship in the middle of the ocean/gulf within hours. If you can come up with one a practical plan, you can sell it to the navies of the world. No life was in danger once the fire was put out, and they had sister ships delivering supplies with hours. BTW - What's the plan of action for an airliner that has an engine fire at 40,000 feet above the middle of the Atlantic and looses all engines?
  2. Except perhaps daily doses of Drambuie.
  3. A few hours to 2 days is nothing. What if it had been a week or more? Just look at what happened after Sandy, and the power was not out over that large of a region.
  4. It appears someone appears to have been hitting the drambuie a little too much today! I think he means that a smart individual on the Triumph would have looked at the situation as an adventure, not a hardship. He also points out that there were many in the past who had to put up with much worse conditions on ships than these passengers. -- Now I'm worried about myself if I can interpret WT's ramblings. . .
  5. What's wrong with onion or cucumber sandwiches. I did some checking and those were to of a number of options at the time. Nobody was told the choice was onion or nothing. The four hour wait can more be attributed to a breakdown of society and manners. There were reports of people taking more than they could reasonable eat for themselves, causing the food to run out quicker so others had to wait as more was carried up from the kitchens. How fast would society as we know it last if we lost electricity on a massive scale?
  6. No different from most companies contracts. Have you ever actually read a software license agreement? Even without the contract, what would a legitimate basis be for a suit in this case?
  7. Unless you have pictures, there's no way in the world I would believe any cruise ship had their windows boarded up.
  8. Transferring between ships is a common question - the answers given is that transferring untrained people between ships in open/deep water is a very dangerous undertaking. Due to the motion provided by the seas, they can't tie the ships together or put put a bridge between the ships. If they had an appropriate tender, moving folks would have taken days, especially since they wouldn't want to leave their belongings behind. The life boats are for an extreme emergency use only if the ship is sinking or staying on the ship would place people in immediate life threatening danger. Another
  9. It didn't cost you 2k because they gave a complete refund on what you paid for the adventure, including travel expenses.
  10. The time of the closest approach is supposed to be 2:24est. It might take out a satellite or two. That's assuming the scientists got all their calculations right and nobody confused meters and feet. Otherwise, it could prove to be a very interesting day.
  11. I just can't get past the qualifier 'likely.' Based on observation over the past few years, I expect that when the actual numbers come in, the growth won't be there. This will be ignored by most of the the press, which will have moved onto publishing qualified headlines about the next supposed area of growth.
  12. One theory is if there were civil unrest the Feds felt they had to put down, it would open up many possibilities for obama. Once he declared martial law, there would be no stopping him.
  13. Paper or paperless, I don't think it would have mattered. The lady sounds like someone who wouldn't bother opening the paper statements when they come in the mail.
  14. It's not that we want them to fail. The problem is every attempt at renewable or so-called environmentally friendly energy has failed, wasting billions and billions of tax-payer money. Anyone outside of government could see they were not viable. A commercially viable option would have no problem finding investors.
  15. So they use a natural product that man has eaten since the dawn of time. What's the point?
  16. Only when something is commercially viable without government subsidies will it take off.
  17. If you're thinking about donating to get a tax deduction, make sure the charity can really use it and aren't just being nice. I was talking with a person from a well known college/medical center in Pittsburgh. She was telling me they had to pay for a large warehouse to store all of the donated equipment, most of which was so outdated it probably wouldn't even power on. The problem was they couldn't refuse it because many big corporate cash donors were also donating old computer equipment so their company could get a tax write off. The fear was if they stopped taking the equipment, the cash
  18. The real question is how long will it be before Tug-of-War goes the way of Dodge Ball?
  19. What's the big deal? CO2 is a flame retardant and it's in Soda. Di-hydrogen Monoxide can be used as a flame retardant and is in soda.
  20. It's great to be considerate of others and offer to let them out while driving. The point is don't get upset because they don't immediately see, interpret and act on your intentions.
  21. I know someone who had an accident because they thought the oncoming car was flashing for them to go.
  22. Maybe if you stopped drawing attention to your own personality by posting the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over it would stop.
  23. I changed it, but you made your name a matter of public record when you used it as your first user name on P.com. No matter how hard you try, you can't undo it.
  24. You're saying one of the kids shot the other because they got an "F"?
  25. I believe the only reason this made so much news in the first place is because it took place on school grounds. Had it taken place in a grocery store parking lot, it would have gotten a mention on the news, but that's about it no matter what race the kids are. Also, if this thread been started by someone other than WT, it probably would have gotten a lot more attention.
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