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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Has it been verified that the dog actually is a Pitt? All the reports I've seen say they 'think' it's a Pitt Bull, but that seems to be the case in most dog attacks. Unfortunately the person being quoted often wouldn't know the difference between a real Pitt and one of the many look alikes.
  2. The real cry babies are the ones who cry and complain when their violation of the site rules are reported to the moderators.
  3. Does this hold true in Muslim countries? If not, get back to us when it does.
  4. Now let's see if the George Soros funded network will go after things on the Federal level. I'm sure there is scandal to be found if anyone would care to dig. The name is National Public Radio after all.
  5. Do you realize how small they're making some of these things? U.S. government to use 'drones the size of GOLF BALLS to spy on AMERICAN citizens' It's a bird! It's a spy! It's both
  6. He's been firing at kids and other people but nobody's actually been shot?
  7. I tracked it down. It's measured over a 24 hour period, so if they post it in the morning, it's mostly what was measured the day before. Either way, it's not fun having this much pollen. It hasn't affected me to much in past years, but for some reason I'm starting to feel it now.
  8. I thought the pollen count given was the count measured the day before, not a prediction for the current day.
  9. I'm surprised K-Mart isn't listed. They bought Sears (or Sears bought them) a few years ago.
  10. In reality, this wasn't texting while flying. Instead the pilot was texting while fueling the copter and didn't put in as much fuel as he thought. Edit - that was based on another article I read. It sounds like that's why he ran out of fuel, but he was also receiving texts while flying .
  11. One is a very high dose of birth control that may or may not have long term medical consequences when taken by a developing girl and the other isn't.
  12. I guess the next step is for the schools to hand them out to anyone who asks. In fact, reading some of the comments here, I'm surprised nobody's already proposed that.
  13. The state passed laws controlling medications that normally are OTC, but can be used to make Meth. That's why the requirement for the Drivers License. It's the state keeping track of who buys how much. They won't be able to require ID for the large dose BC pills covered by the ruling because it covers ANY AGE, including those too young to have a proper ID.
  14. What do you mean? If the OP meant the STATE of New York, I believe they would have said it. The term Province is not used by the NPR article the OP referenced. To someone living in the USA as the OP claims, State <> Province.
  15. Stupid auto correct. Maybe that's the problem - the OP must have auto correct set to British rather than American English. It makes the person look like they're posting for an international/non-us crowd on a very local message board.
  16. Exactly. Whether or not I approve of the drug in question is not the point. It's that a judge can overrule the FDA in medical matters is. As Surpip said, giving out antibiotics without a prescription is dangerous because it could create antibiotic resistant strains. It doesn't matter. Just convince the right judge that it's in the public interest to be able to get it over the counter and unless this ruling is overturned, it's available to anyone willing to pay for it. One question - could the judge be sued for malpractice if the drug in question happens to have long-term consequences
  17. Where exactly is the Providence of New York. I can't find it on a map.
  18. You didn't think the the article was important enough for you to take a few seconds to give the title to, so why should others think it's worth reading?
  19. The key isn't apologizing. It's forgiving someone who's wronged you whether they apologize or not.
  20. How many of those drugs did a judge rule that they should be available to anyone that asks? BTW - Zantac Overdose
  21. You're saying a potential pregnancy is a special medical case where even the youngest among us can self-prescribe potent medications. Can anyone tell us the long term affects these medications have when young teenagers take them? What if the child is really scarred so they take double or triple the dose? As far as they're concerned you don't need a prescription so it must be safe - right?
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