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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. You won't enjoy it . . . the ship moves way too slow -- almost like a parade. You can give me your tickets and save yourself a week of torture. For those going 'huh - what the heck is he talking about': http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=2943572
  2. In this case, speed is relative. . .
  3. The cruising they're talking about involves around 85,000 hp at 25 mph.
  4. Sounds good, but you'd still have to stop at the condiment lady for your ketchup.
  5. IIRC, the government is exempt from the 'Do Not Call' list.
  6. It does seem funny. The thing is a pack of ketchup might take only 5 seconds it the customer is paying attention and not digging in their bag or talking to their kids when the employee hands it out. The thing is those who ask for more than one thing - salt, ketchup, mayonnaise BBQ sauce, etc. can add up to 15-20 or more seconds by the time they're done. That's 15-20 seconds each car behind has to wait. Multiply that by the number of people who ask for condiments and adds up to it's a lot of time. Here in Rome, I've seen the drive thru line wrapped around the building, yet it only
  7. yep! I can just picture it. LR's house is smashed to bits by a tornado and by some miracle, the phone starts ringing. It's the CODE RED center calling to tell her there was a tornado watch issued 3 hours before.
  8. It's probably designed to speed things up at the drive thru. Instead the car holding up the line waiting for the employee in the window to get the requested condiments, they are told to pull up to the condiment person. The next car in line gets their food quicker. No different than having one window to pay and another to pick up the food.
  9. Here's a big question -- this 'test' has been going on for at least 2 hours. Do they have the capability to call everyone at the same time if there was a real problem?
  10. According tot he op, it doesn't start until 2:00
  11. The question is why are folks getting this call today? Is Paulding under a weather alert?
  12. I always wondered the opposite. A death is a matter of public record. After sufficient time for the family and close friends to be notified, why do people object to the death being announced so old schoolmates, not so close friends and other acquaintances can be notified?
  13. The Smithsonian has around 19 different museums. You probably want to decide on which one(s) you want to visit before you go.
  14. Here's a humerus article from the UK Sunday Times yesterday on the same subject: Help, quick – I’ve unscrewed the top on a ticking bomb Apparently the English can't stand a little heat.
  15. We have dish network and have almost no problems. It only goes out during the heaviest rains, but comes back as soon as the rain lets up. When we had Comcast, it would go out during storms and we would have to wait days until they got around to fixing things. With Dish or Direct, they need the dish to be pointed directly at the satellites, so make sure they mount the dish on a solid, immovable surface. I know people who have it mounted on a post or fence that allows the dish to sway in the wind giving less than perfect reception.
  16. We got back home Sunday night. I think I'm finally getting back to normal. Folks - if you do not want to have a nice relaxing vacation do not go on a cruise. The only real decision was to eat in the dining room or buffet, everything else was optional. We can't until we can schedule our next cruise.
  17. Go in the dark of night and plug the pipes with something that won't easily wash out so when it rains, they back up at the source.
  18. There is no difference under the law. The law, as previously stated, says: Flashing yellow = proceed with caution, don't stop. Flashing red = stop. No matter why you think the light is out. IIRC, there are safeties built into the in the controllers that prevent this situation.
  19. I heard about it monday morning. I was just teasing about the 'anything happening' question. There is a couple on board from Power Springs (I think) who were called Tuesday night and told their house was in water up to the door frames and it had been shown on the news. I guess the little yard flooding my daughters reported isn't too bad compared to that. Good luck to all!
  20. We're having a great time in the Western Caribbean! We left port on Saturday. Anything exciting happening back home?
  21. Probably Lobster. I'll be a few dozen miles north of Cuba while I'm eating it!
  22. I'll probably be eating lobster tonite. Where? about 50 miles north of Cuba.
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