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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Can you explain how Cedartown/Polk has more industry than Dallas/Hiram/Paulding.
  2. markdavd


    As long as nobody closes the polls, we'll always get someone answering all of the old ones. You'd think that with all of the moderators, someone would take on the task to close them after a week or so.
  3. So if it sits there and doesn't move, neither do you?
  4. If the bus turns their flashers off, but doesn't move, how long do you wait?
  5. Key word here is OR. Pretty clear to me. If the signal is off, you don't have to stop - or remain stopped.
  6. Could it mean the difference between collecting right away and having the employer object and having to file an appeal?
  7. The problem here is if we make the kids panic and think they must stop for a school bus on the opposite side of the highway (even if it's lights aren't on,) accidents can and will happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it illegal to stop for no reason in the middle of a divided highway?
  8. But wouldn't the wording of the termination being by 'mutual agreement' make getting UI more difficult?
  9. Where on Dallas highway is there a spot with no median? Also, if the flashing lights weren't on and they say he broke the law, it would mean that if a bus stops for whatever reason, all traffic must stop. Something doesn't sound right about this.
  10. If his name was on the proposals acting as an employee of the company, I don't see how it would affect his license.
  11. The problem is unless there is a witness, or his wife comes out and says he was planning this, there is probably no way to really prove a hoax.
  12. Exactly. He refused to do most of what he was told to do to try to stop it. An example - he didn't want to remove his hands from the steering wheel to try to turn the car off, yet he claims to have bent over and stretched to try to pull the gas pedal up?
  13. One thing they didn't address in this article is he claimed to have reached down and tried to pull up the gas pedal, but it wouldn't budge. The reporter in the other article tried that and said unless you have unusually long arms, you can't reach it. The unions are running GM.
  14. You mean like Government Motors, which is being run by the unions?
  15. If they're only offering one weeks of severance and nothing else, I wouldn't sign it. The statement above may or may not hold up in court, but they could make it complicated, and defending himself would cost a lot more than a week's pay. If they've released the entire department, how will they meet the obligations to their customers? He might want to call the customers he's had contact with recently and explain the situation. Who knows, an opportunity may come up.
  16. The one we heard about from CA earlier this week has a lot of contridictions. The story I posted the link to has them listed in detail, then it has some info on the guy's history. It's Balloon Boy in a Prius!
  17. Does the letter have any 'non-compete' language?
  18. Was the report of the runaway prius out of California a hoax? It created quite a media frenzy, but the story doesn't seem to add up. Read an analysis of the report here: Toyota Hybrid Horror Hoax
  19. Well said. Years ago, we knew someone who took their 6 month old infant car seat back to Walmart because it was too small for their 6 month old child. Walmart enforced the 'customer is always right' by accepting it. People complain that return policies have been made stricter. With customers abusing the policies it's no wonder they've had to.
  20. The important thing is what will the state separation agreement they have to give him say? This is what he has to turn in to the DOL to collect UI.
  21. Independent studies show being 'overweight' can contribute to a higher survivability rate: From: “Obesity Paradox” #2— How can it be a disease if it has health benefits?
  22. <--- If you ever see this guy, come say hi and introduce yourself.
  23. There won't be any bread or pizza if they can't use salt.
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