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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. It's been said that homework has no actual effect on well, basically anything prior to high school aged kids. Even then, if homework is not assigned pertaining to something that was taught the day of the homework, it has little effect on learning. It's almost like we are assigning homework simply because that's just the way it's always been done. Kids are in a prison-like atmosphere for 8 hours a day and then they are expected to go home and continue that for 1-2 more hours and we wonder why kids hate it.
  2. My son brings home enough papers every year to fill up a very large box. Most of it has drawings on it or something other than classwork (they have a separate art class). It's absolutely ridiculous. Instead of worrying about more paper they should be finding ways to cut out the immense waste of paper that they currently create.
  3. Freedom of speech applies to everyone. Same with all the other freedoms we enjoy.
  4. My dad hunted doves, so he had a 20 gauge, but it was only brought out when he went hunting (and he only did that a few times and stopped when I was about 10) After being in the military and firing everything from a 9mm to a 81mm mortar (and everything in between) my curiosity for weapons has been satisfied. Guns do nothing for me anymore.
  5. I always choose my words carefully with sarcasm in mind.
  6. As in the government provide us all guns or do they force us to buy something we may not want? Another point that is being glossed over is that legalization of drugs could very well lead to a reduction of gun violence.
  7. This is the one that everybody skirts around.
  8. All it means is that the teacher is the first one in the room killed. The people who do these things don't ever plan on getting out alive.
  9. If that were the case, the military would use Winchesters.
  10. Impending government takeover or impending race war, take your pick because I've been told both are coming.
  11. As far as I know, my 7 year old has no idea that it happened. I'll be happy if it stays that way.
  12. Don't hospitals restrict the age of kids that are allowed in the room? Something tells me it's 12 or 14.
  13. Not at all a blanket statement, but I have to think that some folks who are obsessed with guns might also be obsessed with seeing the results for themselves.
  14. Another change I've noticed is that people brag about their guns and trick them out more than a Delta Operator would need in Afghanistan.
  15. My point is that we love to blame all sorts of societal issues except the part where we flaunt our guns.
  16. A car is designed to get a person from point A to point B. Guns are designed with one purpose. We can't act surprised when they do what they were designed to do.
  17. Better not ever let them drive a car, go to the movies, or breathe air.
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