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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. Maybe its something they could work with you on and they'd let you take it later. It'd be worth asking someone.
  2. How long does it take to get the certificate? Nevermind, I just read it, its a four hour test.
  3. Comfortis is awesome. Havent seen a flea on mine in over a year with this and we did have them BAD!
  4. The thing that has ALWAYS worked for me and anyone Ive told it to is to get a glass of water and bend over like you are trying to touch your toes and drink the water upside down. The force of the water going "up" puts your diaphragm back in sync. It may take a second for you to figure out how to hold the cup, but its really easy. Good luck! I hate having hiccups!
  5. Yes, it is. Its also next door to that psychiatrist I recommended you to see
  6. Wow!! That looks awesome!!!!! How hard was it to do? I LOVE that color green too!
  7. Thats so funny! I love the popsicle. I love prank calling, I used to do it to everyone I knew all the time
  8. Guess whooooooo???!!! LOL, Im sorry, It sucks you couldnt sleep and were scared but that just sounded funny the way you described it! I promise it wasnt me though, I forgot I had your number
  9. drunk?? workin on it here......LOL. What movies did you watch??
  10. Hey HP, and hey sugar plum Oscar Hope yall have a good night.........and stay away from gorillas!!!!
  11. Girl Im a freakin Georgette of the jungle
  12. I think he's occupied with the branch water I gave him, LOL
  13. Girl I can swing anywhere now thanks to Kelly
  14. Now you stop it! Kelly, she's looking to go wild LMAO, nevermind Fotogirl, I saw your sig and was thinking it was Tori........ Btw, beautiful picture! Oh, and Im getting my lineman gear ready
  15. unless its a super fancy $1,000 oriental rug, Id take it to the car wash, soap it up and use the high power hose, we do ours that way and it works great
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