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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. OMG, I would have done the exact same thing, I know its gross but I cant stand to see a white head! Im so glad he went to see a DR. That could have ended up badly! Thanks for sharing, Im going to be a lot more cautious before pinching and poking!
  2. Here's what I read Zima it says they stopped bottling them in Oct 2008, but they still bottle and market them in Japan, I wonder if they're still sold here?
  3. Its Zima (one n) And they stopped making them in 2008 I think Good times, goodbye old friend
  4. Just see what items theyre out of, thats whats on sale, lol Its triple coupons there too
  5. I know, I want someone to take me under their wing and tell me what coupons to cut and what to buy each week, LOL
  6. If you told me the type of coupon organizer you had, I could tell you who you were, lol
  7. Were at Food Lion this morning with your coupons?? I have never seen so many serious couponers in one place at the same time, you could definitely tell which items were on sale and had coupons, the shelves were bare Wonder if I saw any of you this morning
  8. omg, where was that? I am so sad now I missed that, I love him! I saw him at the Mable house once and he was awesome!
  9. I told you so.... Wait.......where's the taco??????
  10. I noticed when sending someone a pm, you cant put any smileys in the first one, you have to wait until they reply and a "conversation" is started
  11. Some key words I remember was her saying she has been online friends with him for a while and he lost his wife, his sole mate and best friend and she felt so bad for him she was in tears and she had never even met him, and asking if anyone else had been in a similar situation.
  12. I was looking for the thread someone started about an online friend of hers in another state that his wife passed away, I think the topic was something like "Have you ever been in this situation?" I cant seem to find it, and the recent topics only goes back 8 pages for me and Ive looked everywhere and dont see it. Does anyone remember who started it or can find it? Thanks in advance
  13. Oh, Mac........Mt Airy Cop, gotcha ...Im slow today
  14. Who's Mac? Mine is Boss Hogg Next would be Bobby Jo Bradley
  15. All the ambulances went down Davis Mill South. Not sure what happened, I was too lazy to turn on the scanner.There has been a lot of commotion around here this morning.
  16. As a matter of fact.................. NO, I wasnt counting the trash, I was counting the buzzards, I saw a swarm of buzzards up ahead and thought dang, there must be a body up there somewhere, when I got to that part of the road I saw trash like trash bags had flown off a truck and burst open all over the side of the road. I know those buzzards were looking forward to rush hour passing
  17. when I was going to Hiram yesterday down 278 there was SO much trash on the side of the road, I counted 13 buzzards circling it NO JOKE
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