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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. Thank GOD Im not insane!!!! I hope you have better luck than me. The song Pepper I think by Butthole Surfers sounds kinda like what I imagine it to sound like also...
  2. I thought this thread was going to be about some new gang like the crips... ..I need to go to bed..
  3. Im about to lose it!! Uggh, if only Lady Tass were here
  4. Lord, where was the snake? Im out there a good bit..
  5. I am going nuts trying to remember what the name of a song is that I cant remember the lyrics to, but in the song there is a part where some parents I think are drinking one night while camping with the kids and decide to take off in the middle of the night and leave the kids and the kids wake up to the parents gone....Grr...anyone have any ideas? For some reason I think it sounds like Crash Test Dummies
  6. Thank all of you for all the suggestions!!!! I have tried Wal mart, Kmart, Michaels, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Hobby Lobby and Pirate Printing, I am heading to Pirate Printing because he had ONE and Im hoping it will be the right size. After this ordeal Im thinking of going ahead and purchasing a solid color Tshirt in every color for the next few sizes just to be safe
  7. Aww, so happy for you! I know youre excited!
  8. Just thought I would ask you guys before I headed out to Hobby Lobby at Austell if you knew where I could get a solid dark purple youth tshirt for my sons field day tomorrow? I didnt get the form that told about buying them from the school and was just told yesterday by his teacher about the shirt. Ive tried Michaels, Walmart and Kmart, and Hobby Lobby does have ONE left, but I knew with the Hiram teams colors being purple, someone might know of somewhere closer I could find one. Thanks in advance!
  9. My almost 6 year old had strep and scarlet fever a few weeks ago
  10. Aww...I hope they find somewhere else soon. I love Helena and her crab quiche is to die for!!!
  11. Hubby works for the power company and just called and said they are bringing in all the crews to the office now preparing for it, but when I look on the radar the system looks like it is going above us...Is it suppose to be a pop up storm or is this system going to change directions?
  12. Not sure what steps you need to take but I know something can be done because I saw someone in that "Busted" paper who was arrested for harassing phone calls.
  13. This guy has a green house at his home, its on Denton Rd. off of ridge. He usually closes around 6 but will stay open longer if people are coming in. When you turn onto Denton he is like the second drive on the Right and there is a sign at the road that says green house open. If he has taken the sign down and the gate is closed he has closed. He usually opens at daylight. He has chickens and a big pasture with goats and a donkey. He has the baby goats up in a pen where you park when you get there. He has beautiful hanging baskets for $11 and $16 but they are huge, like 14" where like home depo
  14. You should go to Doug's on Ridge rd if for anything just to let the kids see all the goats he has. When we went for the third or fourth time last week one of his goats had had a baby five hours earlier, it was precious. My lil' man begs to go there every day. He has really pretty plants also. There is also a very big green house close to Roses store that Doug gets some of his plants from, she has a larger variety.
  15. Get rats. They dont bite and make wonderful pets. I have two dumbo rats and they are the sweetest things!
  16. Am I the only one curious who the pcommer is they are looking for??
  17. We heard it on the scanner and were on Ridge so we pulled in and was happy to see it wasnt the whole house. From the description on the scanner they were saying windows exploding from the "residence". Do you know what started it?
  18. I saw lunch ladies doing this last year at Allgood. There are parents I see in the car rider line smoking. Then light another when they get their kid in the car
  19. That is my favorite poem. It was recited at my graduation.
  20. Great video! Thanks for sharing. Im soooo ready to go fishing!
  21. I have tussicaps for night time but the pharmacist told me mint is good for a cough
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