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Everything posted by bat0702

  1. Candy Apple is my favorite. I buy enough at Christmas to last me all year!! Now I have to have the Twilight Woods candle!!
  2. Where is it??? I need to drop off some stuff of Copswife for that family's christmas. TIA
  3. OMG, She is soooo cute. Great picture!!!!!!!
  4. H$LL, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks, it is taking an act of congress to get signed up for freecycle!!!
  6. I need this thing gone!! Really hate to take it to the dump since it still works.
  7. Dragracemom, pick me!!! Pick me!!!!
  8. He is awesome. Helped me fix my computer!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU !!!!!!!
  9. Lots and Lots of Money. Even with the Hope there is alot of out of pocket stuff. Mine is living at home and commuting. Still of alot of unexpected expenses.
  10. Very,very sad. They were talking about her on 104.7 The Fish today and dedicated a song for her. My heart breaks for her parents and family. RIP
  11. Love your post!! This is my motto for today......life is too short to waste time on things you can't change...so change what you can and move on"!!! I am trying to make it my life motto..... we will see.
  12. That is just wrong. It was such a beautiful cross!!!
  13. Yep, had my gallbladder out in 2000. I had one really bad attack. Really bad pain right below my ribs. I ended up in the ER. Went for a test the next day. I had stones that had everything blocked up. Had another attack later that day and emergency surgery that night. The surgery and recovery were really easy.
  14. God love him!! Will say a prayer for you and your family.
  15. Ain't had it yet!!! Hubby on the way with Taco Mac take out!!!!
  16. Good lord, don't be sorry!! I am so glad we will be able to work it out. See ya tomorrow!!
  17. So I see that you started drinking before lunch today!!!
  18. I have been talking with her but it hasn't worked out where we can get together and I am tired of looking at this stuff. Guess I will call Salvation Army. I really was hoping to give it locally.
  19. I would love to give my left over yard sale stuff to some group or org. that can put the money made to good use. I would need you to come get it. There is alot of good stuff!!!
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